22 Jokes About Being The Worst Type Of Girlfriend That Will Make You Go "LOL Same"

    *Tyra Banks voice* Needy and annoying...but make it hilarious.

    1. This monumental moment:

    2. This fearful discovery:

    3. This unfortunate reality:

    4. This honest love note:

    5. This proclamation of loyalty:

    6. This public speaking opportunity:

    7. This tragic separation:

    8. This truth bomb:

    9. This breakup in the making:

    10. This realization of potential:

    11. This example of ~modesty~:

    12. This cruel trick:

    13. This friendship follow-through:

    14. This food freak:

    15. This ice-cold shoulder:

    16. This unnecessary fight:

    17. This horoscope hopeful:

    18. This attempt at bein' yourself:

    19. This angry eater:

    20. This turn-on:

    21. These dolphin legs:

    22. And finally, this proof that while some of us can be a little ridiculous, it's all for a good reason: