If You Have Visible Tattoos, You're Familiar With These Situations

    "Do you have other tattoos that are, you know, like hidden?"

    Hi, I'm Allie and I'm "heavily" tattooed (by, like, my grandparents' standards).

    Over the past few years, I've noticed that I experience a lot of the same ~moments~ as other tattooed people I've talked to, so I took the liberty of rounding up the things that happen to us most frequently:

    Let's discuss.

    1. When people repeatedly ask you what your tattoos "mean."

    2. Then THEY get confused if you say it means nothing and you just "liked it."

    3. When people ask you outright how much tattoos, in general, cost.

    4. But then, if you choose to share the price of ours, they always feel some type of way.

    5. When people physically touch you without asking.

    6. When people want to show you THEIR tattoos.

    7. When people ask you how tattoos will affect wedding plans you may or may not have.

    8. When people ask you how tattoos will affect the children you may or may not have.

    9. When people ask you if you have other tattoos that they ~can't see.~

    10. When people ask you if getting one will hurt.

    11. When people make unwanted/genuinely rude remarks.

    12. When people ask how long it took to finish.

    13. When people ask about your job situation.

    14. When people ask what your parents think.

    15. When people assume you're a some kind of hooligan.

    16. When people are worried about how you'll look when you're older.

    17. When people with no relationship to you comment on how THEY couldn't date someone with tattoos.

    18. When people WITH TATTOOS judge YOUR tattoos.

    19. And, my personal favorite, when someone LITERALLY comments on how tattoos are permanent, like you didn't know.

    What's your experience with visible tattoos? Have these moments happened to you? Sound off in the comments below!