Seth Meyers Shared A Hilarious Family Anecdote About His Brother And A Dead Rabbit And LOL

    "15 years later I was like, 'Hey, you guys want to hear something funny?'"

    So, for Thanksgiving, Seth Meyers had his family on Late Night with Seth Meyers, and it turns out hilarity runs in the Meyers' genes.

    Seth started out the segment by announcing that he and his wife, Alexi, are expecting their second son.

    Then, he continued on by sharing this family anecdote about what it's like growing up with a brother know what, just watch it.

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    Basically, what happened was, when Seth's brother, Josh, was 7-years-old, he had a pet rabbit named Petey, whom he loved very dearly.

    One fateful day, Josh went to play with Petey, but instead he found her lying in "the cutest position."

    Well, apparently everyone in the Meyers' family is weird with death, so it was thrust upon 9-year-old Seth to give Petey a proper himself, in the middle of winter in New Hampshire.

    Except he didn't bury her.

    He really, really didn't.

    And his family DID NOT take the news well initially.

    But, of course, they eventually saw the sweet humor in the situation and all laugh about it now.

    Does your family have a weird/funny story similar to this one that you love to share when together? Share in the comments below!