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Can You Name All 10 Of The Films Quentin Tarantino Has Directed?

Film school kids, it's your time to shine!

The rules here are simple: Quentin Tarantino has (technically) directed* 10 movies (so far) — we're asking you to put your film knowledge to the test and name them all in under one minute. They do not have to be in any special order, but they do have to be spelled correctly, so try your best! Are you up to the challenge? GOOD! Take it away, nerds:

*This quiz DOES NOT include screenplays he wrote or cowrote but didn't direct or any guest-directing! Only the 10 feature-length films he's directed (so far).

How'd you do? Which ones did you forget? Which Quentin Tarantino movie is your all-time favorite? Share in the comments below!

Image credit: Jerod Harris / Getty Images