13 Examples Of Why Black Cats Are The Best Cats And Your Bad Luck Is Your Own Problem

    Happy Friday the 13th.

    Hi, my name is Allie, but that's not important at all. What IS important is that this is my daughter Jyn Erso.

    In case you can't tell, I love Jyn more than I love most human beings. However, not everyone feels the same way I do about black cats.

    But this led me to wonder...WHY WOULD ANYONE BELIEVE THIS FACE IS BAD LUCK?

    So I've taken the liberty of coming up with 13 reasons why black cats are actually the best:

    It's #FridayThe13th. Hug a #BlackCat today.

    1. They literally look like little furry versions of Toothless, the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon.

    2. Black goes with everything and you want to be fashion forward.

    3. Catwoman is iconic AF, and she CHOSE to be a black cat.

    4. In many cultures, black cats are actually believed to be GOOD luck and bring prosperity, so forget everything you think you know.

    Black cat awareness month, I couldn’t be luckier to have rescued you πŸ–€

    The only time you could be unlucky is if you DON'T have a black cat.

    5. There's a nearly ENDLESS amount of cool things you can buy to show off your love and support for your black cat.

    6. Salem is easily the best character on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, so your black cat will already have a great role model.

    7. They take great black and white photos and will bring you much Instagram success because they are tiny models.

    HaPpY Friday the 13th! Remember that a black cat crossing your path signifies that the cat is going somewhere. πŸ˜‚


    8. You can dress them up and make them even MORE adorable than they already are.

    9. Stereotyping is messed up and not who you are on the inside because you're a good person.

    Tiny little babies in need of hugs.

    10. Since some people are scared of them (for literally no reason), adopting one automatically gives you some badass points.

    11. If eyes are truly the windows to the soul, then black cats have the most beautiful souls of any creature on Earth.

    12. If they get fur on you during snuggle time, it will not stand out on your black clothing, thus perfecting your ~adult goth aesthetic~.

    13. And, most importantly, they have to wait twice as long to be adopted in some cases, and are incredibly grateful animals for those who DO adopt them.

    Am a Lucky Black Cat because I was adopted but sadly Cats like me wait twice as long to be adopted πŸ™€πŸ™€β€¦ https://t.co/AE0QBFlQGL

    So go out and pet a black cat today. Or, even better, adopt one! I can vouch from personal experience that they are truly the best.