This Ariana Grande And Mark Hamill Twitter Interaction Is The Cross-Over We Deserve

    "Thank U, next." — Luke Skywalker after defeating Darth Sidious, probably.

    This is Ariana Grande: the undisputed queen of pop music and leader of the "Dump Him" movement.

    And this is Mark Hamill: the undisputed king of Twitter and actual jedi master.

    Well, this past weekend, Hamill (unknowingly) tweeted out a lyric from Grande's SMASH single, "Thank U, next."

    Which caused Grande to, rightfully, geek TF out about the acknowledgement.

    Basically Grande's reaction:

    Anyway, it turned out that Hamill didn't realize the quote was a lyric from the number one song on Billboard's Hot 100 this week, causing him to tweet out "#ImSorryAri."

    Grande, who was not the least bit offended by the miscommunication, still wanted the interaction permanently added to her face for life.

    And, naturally, Grande wasn't alone in her freak out, proving there's a lot of cross-over in the Star Wars/pop music fandoms.

    Seriously, I would pay good money to see this interaction play out in the Star Wars universe.

    So yeah, Grande continues to be a relatable queen and Hamill continues to be accidentally hilarious. Anyway, I'll be waiting patiently for my cross-over film where Grande plays a ponytail-wielding jedi like: