There Will Be A "Maleficent 2" With Angelina Jolie And OMG Yes Please Forever

    You ain't sleepin' on this, Princess.

    Let's be real, Maleficent is one of the most iconic Disney Villains of all time.

    She's a bad bitch who knows just how to handle an "awkward situation".

    And if you missed Angelina Jolie's turn as Maleficent in 2015, stop what you're doing and go watch that first.

    Maleficent was an awesome switch on a somewhat tired tale, and it gave the Mistress of All Evil depth and context, which only made her more badass.

    There has been speculation as to whether or not there would be a sequel, and if Jolie would return to her horned post.

    But, as reported by Deadline, we can definitely expect to see another chapter in this story.

    Though she was rumored to be in Universal's new The Bride of Frankenstein, Jolie is returning to Disney at the moment to work on the Maleficent sequel.

    "We have been working on the script and this is going to be a really strong sequel" Jolie said.

    There's no official word yet on if Elle Fanning will reprise her role as Princess Aurora or Brenton Thwaites as Prince Phillip, but we're holding out hope.

    In the meantime, catch me waiting here for my live-action Ursula origin movie like:

    H/T: Harpers Bazaar