People Shared '80s Films That They Believe Still Hold Up, And They're Not Wrong

    Y'all already know The Princess Bride is on this list.

    Look, for various reasons — awful special effects, aged-out storylines, irrelevant technology, etc. — time is not always kind to films.

    But this week, Reddit user magiceyes2 asked, "What '80s movies hold up and are still worth watching 30 to 40 years later?" And it was apparent that not EVERY film is affected negatively by time. Heck, some are only ENHANCED.

    So, here are just a few '80s classics that people truly believe have only gotten better with age:

    1. The Thing (1982)

    2. Coming to America (1988)

    3. Stand By Me (1986)

    4. Die Hard (1988)

    5. Clue (1985)

    6. Beetlejuice (1988)

    7. Blade Runner (1982)

    8. The Blues Brothers (1980)

    9. Highlander (1986)

    10. The Princess Bride (1987)

    11. A Fish Called Wanda (1988)

    12. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

    13. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

    14. Do the Right Thing (1989)

    15. The Dark Crystal (1982)

    16. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989)

    17. And finally, the Indiana Jones trilogy (1981, 1984, and 1989)

    So, now it's your turn! What '80s film has truly stood the test of time? Share your pick and the reasons why in the comments below!

    Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity. H/T Reddit!