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    Top 15 Things NEVER To Discuss With A Struggling Job Seeker

    When you hustle to find a job, only to be met with rejection, it’s easy to fall in a depression. Your world starts to get smaller causing people to have a greater impact....

    1. Don't tell me how your niece knows somebody that got her a job at the biggest firm in NYC ...WHO CARES?!

    2. If you don’t have a solution, stop pointing out the problems

    3. Don’t ask me “how is the job search going”

    If the search was successful (i.e I found a job), chances are you would know about it.

    4. Don't suggest public assistance

    5. Don't tell me "try to get anything"

    That is good advice, but what do you think we're doing? I am sure there was a point where we stuck up our noises at remedial jobs. But now, Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's sound like dream jobs. Getting rejected from jobs you are overqualified

    for hurts the most.

    6. Don't let the ONLY topic of discussion be my job search

    We are very aware of our job situation, we don't need you bringing it up EVERY time!

    7. Don't say " you are lucky to not be living on the street"

    8. Don't share your battle wounds

    Similar to #7, your hardships has nothing to do with changing our employment status. People share stories as a means of motivation. However, for those that are ACTIVELY looking for a job, we are not trying to hear your story.

    9. If you have a job, don't complain about it

    You have your Master's degree, it's ridiculous you can't get a job in that field.

    11. Don't say "you're not filling out enough applications"

    12. Don't tell me how easy it was for you to get a job

    Everybody's situation is different. As the old adage goes "its all about who you know". Of course, if you don't have the skill set, then you won't last long. Unfortunately, people with degrees are finding it incredibly difficult to find jobs. Along time ago, an education meant something. People that compare how easy it was to find employment back in 70's, lack an understanding that life is not what it used to be.

    13. Don't say "I told you this degree wouldn't land you any jobs"

    14. Don't say to us "I pay the bills"

    15. Last and the worst is "Whats wrong with you? We thought you would have a job by now"