21 Shocking And Upsettling Pictures Of Things That Shouldn't Exist

    Even my nightmares couldn't make up something this horrifying. 😨

    Buckle up, folks — it's time to look at some weird and anxiety-inducing pics of things that absolutely shouldn't exist!!!

    1. This mutant chick:

    chick that looks fake, has one eye in the center, small beak, and no feathers on the head

    2. This nutty mascot:

    mascot is a large ball sack with a face complete with pubic hair

    3. The worst condiment in existence:

    clear tomato ketchup

    4. This thing that needs to be put back where it came from (or so help me):

    a large doll that is supposed to be Boo from Monsters Inc but it just looks frightening because the facial features are off

    5. This display that I wouldn't want to face in real life:

    rocks on a hiking trail looks like faces

    6. This Sim positively begging for death:

    sim baby with a long neck

    7. This nightmare cake:

    creepy face drawn onto a cake

    8. These despicable minion hay bales:

    hay bails painted as the minion characters

    9. This printer jam that looks like an awfully hairy situation:

    there's a bundle of hair in the printer

    10. This futuristic drone toilet:

    toilet in a pod with glass on two sides and drones on top

    11. This icicle creature that looks like a Goosebumps creation:

    tall and dirty ice formation looks like a shadow of a person

    12. This strange toaster truck:

    van made out to look like a toater with bread coming out top

    13. Do you want to build a horrifying snowman costume? It doesn't have to be a horrifying snowman costume:

    snowman costume someone is wearing to greet people at the door is a little creepy

    14. This entirely too expressive mannequin:

    mannequin with a mouth opened very wide

    15. This DIY convertible:

    volkswagon buggy with an no doors or exterior around the front half

    16. This genuinely baffling sticker:

    i love the sound when you make shut up

    17. This science museum exhibit/zombie awakening:

    outline of kids

    18. These Halloween decorations that look just a bit too real:

    bloody hanging bodies on a tree

    19. This nightmarish statue:

    jewelry over gauze that's on a skeleton

    20. This foot stool suffering from an identity crisis:

    this is not a fool stool or chair please do not place your feet here

    21. And finally, this statue that just so happens to be my sleep paralysis demon:

    paper mache of a person on all fours with a beak for a mouth

    H/T r/hmmm, r/ATBGE, r/Cursed_Images, and r/CrappyDesign

    Don't miss last week's most anxiety-inducing photos!

    These 24 Pictures Ruined My Entire Week, And I'll Never Be The Same