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    TikTok Is Sharing Their Best Tips For A Successful 2021

    If you're guilty of making resolutions you don't keep, these easy tips are for you.

    New Year's Resolutions can be hard to keep. That's why TikTok users (who seem to have their lives together) are breaking down their best tips for starting 2021 on the right foot with ideas that are easy to keep up with throughout the year.

    Here are some of the best:

    1. Become the best version of yourself in 2021 by mapping out your goals! @k8lynanderson recommends using a white board to write out seven categories: Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Intellectual, Relational, Financial, and Personal. Then list your aspirations in each category and keep it somewhere visible to stay inspired and motivated:

    2. If you're looking to start your day earlier in 2021, @grantlacorte recommended trying the "Benjamin Franklin Technique," which begins with a consistent nighttime routine and easing into an early morning by waking up one minute sooner each day:

    3. Build up your savings in a unique way! @firefighter_scrub shared the 100 envelope method which involves numbering a box of envelopes 1 to 100 and then setting aside the amount of money noted by a randomly selected envelope. By the end of the challenge, you'll have over $5,000 saved:

    4. Simply put...cut out the toxic people in your life who are disrespecting you, cheating you and overall no longer serving you:

    5. Journaling can be a great way to express your emotions and preserve memories but starting can be intimidating! Begin with a couple of simple prompts as suggested by @mollielouiseee: write down the highlight of your day and something you're grateful for:

    6. Start your morning right by thinking about a few positive things you want to happen during your day. @milliondollarhypnotist says by expecting these things to happen, you set the tone for your day and create a life you look forward to living:

    7. @bylindsayalbanese suggests cutting out some bad habits in 2021 like following people who don't make you feel good and letting other people dictate what's acceptable to wear:

    8. Drinking more water in 2021 is not only easy and good for your health but you'll also be too busy for other people's B.S...because you'll be peeing so much:

    9. If you're hoping to read more this year, @zendrop says you can increase your intake by aiming for one book a week. Even though it may sound like a lot, if you break it down by pages per day, it seems a lot more manageable:

    10. And if we're being real, 2021 is time to get rid of those toxic habits we have with our phones like texting your ex and subtweeting other people. @martoquica is right, you're better than that!

    How are you starting the new year right? Share your plans in the comments!

    TikTok videos not playing for you? You might need to change the settings on your device — here's how.