The Real Babies Of Hollywood

    A baby is basically a human, but smaller and always drunk.

    We filmed a herd of babies at The World's Biggest Baby Portrait. Here's how all of the drama went down!

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    Babies gathered with their mothers in tow at 2015's World's Biggest Baby Portrait.

    Here is a baby being fed lemons by his mother.


    "Is this the photo shoot? Is this what you wanted?"

    This baby is trying to connect with another baby.

    This is when she discovered that all Disney movies ARE LIES.

    This baby found a friend to cry with!

    A woman fawns over the babies and takes their picture.


    Oh, a couple of them didn't hear the "cheese!" I guess.

    I think y'all might have to retake the picture.

    Hey! Wait a minute...I'm starting to think this portrait wasn't actually for the babies at all.

    And now, since it's become clear that this event was not actually put on for the babies, here is a gif of a baby falling.