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Is It Better To Be In A Relationship Or Single As Fuq?

"If it's not about sleeping with someone then I don't know what we're even talking about."

Being in a relationship can be tough. You fight...and ya might even break up and have your heart stomped on! Being single can also be tough. Delivery minimums discriminate against you and it's hard to get laid on a consistent basis! So, which is worse?

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Let's kick it off with the case for ridin' solo:

Obviously being single definitely helps you ~discover~ yourself.

You learn how to make yourself happy.

Another huge perk is when you're alone you get to be the disgusting weirdo you are at heart!

The best part about being single? You don't have either of these terrifying options in your remote future:

And when the haters say it's exhausting to go to bars and be on the ~prowl~...yeah, sure, but you also get to bang multiple people on the reg.

And if that's not a plus...I don't know what is.

Now let's hear the case for being in a relationship.

One perk is you have someone you can talk to about all the stuff that's been bothering you.

And that dual income is pretty nice, too.

OK, OK. We can all agree that financially, being in a relationship definitely has its benefits.

Butttttttt...the case still stands: