14 Reasons You Should Be Eating Maria Cookies Right Now

    Forged in heaven by baby angels, these little cookies are popular all over the world. It's time for them to get the accolades they so richly deserve.

    What is a Maria cookie, you ask?

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    These sweet little wheels of goodness were first baked in London in 1874 as an homage to the Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia when she wed the Duke of Edinburgh. Whether you call them biscuits to hono(u)r their place of birth, or refer to them as cookies, crackers, or galletas, they stand as one of history's cutest wedding gifts.

    Take a closer look. CLOSER.

    1. This cookie is an international superstar.

    2. Maria cookies can do anything.

    3. You can enjoy them in ice cream.

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    Like, just crumble them in there and mix things up. Or, if you want to get fancy with it, try the Abuela Maria ice cream from Miami's Azucar Ice Cream Factory, which combines vanilla ice cream, Maria cookies, guava, and cream cheese. And your tears of happiness.

    4. Maria cookies are guava's best friend.

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    Take a note from that aforementioned ice cream and nestle a slab of guava paste and a healthy helping of cream cheese between two Maria cookies. A classic combination. And it counts as dinner if you have like six of them and don't tell anyone.

    5. You can make next-level desserts with Maria cookies.

    6. Cakes are better with Maria cookies.

    7. They make graham crackers jealous.

    8. They will step your paleta game up about 178%

    9. You can turn them into pie crust and load 'em with bananas.

    10. Nutella was invented for Maria cookies. Probably.

    Via instagram.com

    Of course, you can always make a Maria pizza by spreading a thick layer of Nutella on your cookie. Or top your Maria cookie cake with more Maria cookies. And more Nutella. You can do it. I believe in you.

    11. Peanut butter gets lonely without Maria cookies.

    Seriously, just look at all the sweet, gooey peanut butter in between those two perfect discs of golden cookie goodness.

    12. They give you options. Chocolatey options.

    13. They're perfect.

    The best way to eat them? Plain, straight from the wrapper, with some café con leche.

    14. They look great in hats and sunglasses.