20 Reasons OITNB's Flaca And Maritza Are Your Friendship Goals

    #Flaritza forever.

    1. They keep each other grounded.

    2. And they make ideal dance partners.

    Just look at those moves!

    3. They serve face even when wearing the silliest of hats.

    4. They have each other's backs when shit happens.

    5. They genuinely like each other. Like, IRL.

    6. Like, seriously, even the actresses who play them 'ship them.

    With good reason!

    7. They help each other accessorize.

    8. Like a lot of BFFs, they feel like they're in a secret club.

    9. They understand that a true friendship includes a mutual love and respect for pizza.


    10. Like, seriously.


    11. They're playful.

    12. And they make even boring tasks fun as long as they're in it together.

    13. Even their fights pretty much just prove why they're meant to be friends.

    14. They know they make an excellent team.

    15. Flaca always gives Maritza, like, really good advice.

    Take note!

    16. And Maritza is the most empathetic friend Flaca could ask for.

    17. Also, if you thought we weren't going to bring up this moment...

    Their kiss pretty much cemented that, no matter what, they're a team and never want the other to feel alone.

    18. I mean, let's seriously just take a moment and note the way Maritza looks at Flaca.

    19. ...AND the way Flaca looks back at Maritza.

    20. Because through all the laughs and all the tears, they're truly there for one another.