Hamburgers, Bow Down To The Frita

    *Always* trust a Cuban when it comes to food.

    Listen up, guys. We need to talk about fritas.

    "What are fritas?" you might be asking.

    A frita is a Cuban WORK OF ART that's kind of like a hamburger.

    They're typically made with Cuban bread, a ground beef and chorizo patty, chopped white onion, crispy shoestring potatoes, and ketchup (and/or a splash of Tabasco sauce, if you're so inclined).

    Inferior burgers require lettuce and tomato and nonsense to distract from how BORING they are.

    As any frita enthusiast will tell you, the most crucial ingredients are the patty and the fries.

    The patty HAS to include chorizo. It gives the whole thing a savory kick!

    And the fries HAVE to be thin and crispy.

    This cheeseburger is crying because it knows it's incomplete without crispy fries and chorizo.

    ALWAYS go with Cuban bread.

    You could add cheese, if you really wanted to.

    And you could try it "a caballo" with a fried egg on top, if you're feeling adventurous.

    Fritas are pretty abundant in, say, the greater Miami area.

    ...But it's kind of tough to find them outside of cities with large Cuban populations.

    You could try making them at home, of course.

    Here's one recipe, which incorporates a "not-so-secret sauce". And here's another one, which specifically notes that, if it's not fried, it's not a frita.

    Remember to pair your fritas with an ice-cold Materva, Iron Beer, or Jupiña.

    And finish it all off with a creamy mamey shake.

    So, if you've yet to try a frita, go out and hunt one down.

    And if you're already a card-carrying fritarian, just make sure to save me some.

    Go with the best. Go with fritas.

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