17 Things That Happen When You Don't Watch A Popular TV Show

    This post probably contains Game of Thrones spoilers. Maybe? WHO KNOWS!

    1. Twitter becomes filled with cryptic emotional outbursts.

    2. And you have NO IDEA what anyone on Tumblr is even talking about.


    3. You can't even ask what's going on, because someone will inevitably yell, "NO SPOILERS."

    NO SPOILERS, Ed Sheeran.

    4. Like, seriously, you know not to even WHISPER the show's name.

    5. It feels like 1,000 articles are published about a moment you only sort of kind of know about.

    6. Even articles for things that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SHOW.

    Cav starters are dying off like #GoT characters and like Dany, LeBron is totally screwed. http://t.co/WzQZ30bs07

    Why is EVERYTHING about this show?! Search engine NOPEtimization.

    7. You wonder whether you should start watching the show, but it's probably far too late.

    8. And if you're not in the same country that the show airs? Forget about being surprised.

    9. If you have no interest in ever watching the show, people will spend a lot of time telling you why you're wrong.

    10. And we're not even going to talk about the people who think they know best because they read the books the show is based on.

    11. You pretty much only know characters by the memes they're featured in.

    I guess this one guy knows...nothing?

    12. But you definitely already know which characters everyone is supposed to hate or love.

    13. The morning after an episode airs, you realize you're the only one with nothing to talk about.

    Guess I'll drink my way through this troubling time.

    14. You grow bitter, knowing that a show you don't watch has already been destroyed for you.

    15. You consider trolling as a way to deal with your bitterness.

    16. And you curse everyone for not being into the show you want to talk about.

    17. But then you calm down and let people just love what they love.