"Ask A Mortician" Is The Best Thing On YouTube

    Exploding caskets, human taxidermy, and poop, oh my.

    Caitlin Doughty is a mortician who wants to help you understand the process (and the business) of death.

    She has a video series called "Ask a Mortician" that covers ~ALL THINGS DEATH.~

    Her series covers a whole range of topics, from how to discuss death with an aging parent...

    ...To how to provide a "good death" for a beloved pet.

    (Yes, that last one definitely made me cry at my desk.)

    She also dives into the nitty gritty details of her job. For example: Ever wondered what happens to breast implants and fake hips in a cremated body?

    Or whether a dead body can spread disease?

    Caitlin also tackles criticism about her industry. IS the whole funeral thing just a PYRAMID SCHEME?

    Plus, she's tackled everything you probably never/always wanted to know about... HUMAN TAXIDERMY.

    So. Got a question about death? Funerals? Exploding crematoriums? Ask Caitlin.

    You can check out her whole series on the "Ask A Mortician" YouTube page.