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Some People Are Upset There Weren't Any White Presenters On Radio 4's "Today" Programme

Well, this was inevitable.

As is traditional over the festive period, Radio 4's Today show is having a series of guest editors.

Henry decided to make ethnic diversity the theme of today's show.

How diverse is Britain? Here are 5 facts for today's programme, guest edited by @LennyHenry #r4today

According to the programme's running order:

Lenny Henry has asked that this morning's edition of the Today Programme be presented entirely by black and ethnic minority staff and all of his items have exclusively featured black and minority ethnic contributors. He believes there is not enough ethnic diversity on television and the media, and that positive discrimination is needed to redress this balance.

Here's the presenting lineup from this morning's #r4today

Among other features, there was:

The culture secretary, Sajid Javid, talking about diversity in the media.

Diane Abbott talking about becoming one of Britain's first black MPs.

– An interview with Savile Row's first black tailor.

A round-table discussion about the black literary canon.

And sure enough, people were soon complaining...

BBC "today" programme being produced by Lenny Henry and using only ethic minority presenters. Isn't that a tad .... Racist?

...saying Henry was a racist...

@BBCr4today I've only ever seen Lenny Henry as a great comedian, today he has shown himself to be a racist activist creating disharmony.

...and saying people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds don't even want to work in the media...

@Johnwbh @timsquirrell those stats mostly show minorities don't WANT better representation. Or is being a doc easier than joining the cops?

...and saying Henry was a racist again...

@rchak100 the irony is that Henry uses racism to highlight racism. Why does BBC define people by race? There's only one race, the human race

...and again...

If BBC promoted White supremist views, there would be screams of 'racist'. Lenny Henry does it re Black. So? ... http://t.co/bKc2JPHgEq

...and trying to do satire...

Next up on @bbcR4today. Not enough Zulus play viola in the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra . Lenny Henry tells us why YOU'RE to blame, you racist

...throughout the show's duration.

I'm pitching an idea to @BBCr4today: we listen to this man having a bollard gradually inserted into him for 3 hours

Evidently the answer to the question below is, in their view, "yes".

Sad that Lenny Henry's #r4today editing gets so much flak from white tweeters. Is one programme/year on lack of diversity in media too much?

That said, there were plenty of people who liked the show.

@BBCr4today @LennyHenry refreshing programme

#radio4today nice work lenny henry not divisive just fair and timely talking race

.@LennyHenry making great case on radio now. #r4today this morning great for undermining the stereotype of the "BME voice".

If you'd like to listen to the show, you can do so here.