23 Cast-Iron Reasons Britain Is Going To Hell In A Handcart

    Screw this, I'm emigrating.

    1. Because this man managed to convince everyone he'd bought a goat rather than a dog.

    2. Because everything about this story.

    Heartening to see the stoat's identity being protected.

    3. Because of the state of our banter.


    4. Because korma.

    5. Because this is our attitude to sport.

    6. And sportsmen.


    7. Because of this guy.

    8. Because Ed Sheerchin exists.


    9. And this man.

    South Yorks fire service called to Darton park to free lad Witnesses report he was "Showin' off t'lasses" ” @bathcat ?

    10. Because our journalistic standards have gone to shit.

    Lazy local journalism must be corrected.

    11. Because of this poor fucking cat.

    Please continue to share this picture to raise awareness of the plight of cats trapped in a folk music environment.

    12. Because everything is a lie.

    13. Because this man burned his crumpets.

    14. Because we don't know how to deal with the opposite sex.


    15. Because no one understands our sense of humour.

    16. Because this happened.

    Firefighters assisted a man in #Amersham whose right hand was stuck in a teapot earlier this evening http://t.co/w04Gh7XXSu

    17. Because of our arithmetic.

    18. Because someone actually has to devote their time to raising awareness of Tower Bridge.

    19. Because of the fucking price of Freddos.

    20. Because of this man.

    21. Because this is a politician.

    22. Because of this old woman's drug habit.

    23. And because of this tattoo.