21 Individuals Who Really Just Took It Up A Notch

    They just went a little bit further.

    1. Cathy Stratton in Leeds.

    2. This guy on Tinder.

    3. Everyone involved in making this Vine.


    4. This man who knows the truth.

    Netflix should partner with a dating app to link you with ppl who watch the same shows. That's 80% of a successful relationship right there.

    5. This bored person.

    6. Aziz Ansari's parents.

    7. This dog.

    8. Gabi, obviously.

    9. The people who made this...

    10. ...and more importantly, the people who reviewed it.

    11. This guy.

    12. And speaking of Spider Man, this villain.

    .Possibly the single greatest panel in Spider-Man history. @ElliottKalan @Marvel

    13. This dog.

    a strong independent dog who don't need no man

    14. Anyone who gets this many faves by pranking Tesco.

    15. This vexatious newspaper reader.

    16. The guy who trained his girlfriend's rabbit to bring him beer.

    17. This kid.

    18. The prankster who at least did this in the nappy section.

    19. Everyone involved in this exchange.

    20. This ram and his fitness regime.

    21. And Bailey S.