17 Signs Hurricane Bertha Hasn't Quite Lived Up To Expectations So Far

    Carry on, everyone.

    Remember the STORMS MAYHEM that was heading our way?

    Saturday's Express front page - "Beware storms mayhem" #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers

    You know – it was threatening HAVOC?

    Thursday's Daily Express front page - "Tropical storm Bertha is on its way" #tomorrowspaperstoday #bbcpapers

    1. Well, it turns out we probably didn't need to worry quite so much.

    “@__carolinaaaa: Bertha has flooded us out.. #norjam2014 ”nice weather for them @Bellboo26

    2. The truth is, we are British; as we all know, we keep a stiff upper lip in the face of adversity.

    Hurricane Bertha just battering us here in Victoria

    3. We see positives everywhere.

    Hurricane Bertha blew all the snails off my courgette plant #win

    4. Everywhere.

    I've always wanted a swimming pool in the garden #Bertha

    5. Yes. Times are tough.

    Hurricane Bertha wreaked havoc in Barbican Waitrose. Tense scenes - people unable to reach dusted lemon sole fillets.

    6. And we don't know why this is happening to us.

    Has anyone asked what the demands of Hurricane Bertha are? #NegotiatorPro

    7. But in the face of extreme weather...

    #Bertha update for #Watford: warm, gentle breeze. Spot of rain earlier but sun breaking through.

    8. ...in which an untold amount of damage has been caused...

    9. ...we remain vigilant.

    #Bertha has landed. As Ebbs in Transformers says #bringtherain

    10. When confronted by a hurricane, we merely push up our brollies, and press on.

    10.45 and even hurricane Bertha's downpour cannot put off 500 soaking wet raptor rhapsodists from marching to the dam

    11. No matter how many times this image appears in our Twitter timelines.

    Hurricane Bertha hits the UK with devastating force!

    12. Or this one.

    Well this hurricane Bertha has caused havoc in my garden

    13. Or this one.

    I can't be the only person for whom all this talk of (Hurricane) Bertha conjures up this image

    14. Bertha might knock us down.

    Newsflash: Ex Hurricane #Bertha hits #Plymouth and blows #pug over!

    15. But we just get right back up again.

    Hurricane Bertha? Pah! Half way to Hastings. Tis a touch blowy though!

    16. And enjoy the ride.


    @hrtbps yup. All morning. Just watching.