Here Are Some Of The Cartoons In The New Issue Of Charlie Hebdo

    It features cartoons by the artists who were killed and several that mock terrorism.

    The latest edition of Charlie Hebdo went on sale this morning and already appears to have sold out.

    It includes cartoons by four of the cartoonists who were killed in the attack – Georges Wolinski, Jean Cabut, Stephane Charbonnier (aka Charb), and Bernard Verlhac (aka Tignous).

    They're in the front of the book with the editor-in-chief's editorial.

    All five cartoonists who were killed have their work on the page: Philippe Honoré (aka Honoré) also has his work displayed.

    The caption on this reads: "What future for our jihadis?"

    This page has cartoons by Charb.

    This sketch about the artists concludes: "We are Charlie, and we are the millions of little people in the street."

    The line at the bottom reads: "But until when?"

    This cartoon says: "Wolinski thanks you! I've got my boner back!"

    There are more cartoons on the back cover.

    This one appears to depict the Kouachi brothers.

    This one compares artists and terrorists.

    This is captioned: "New friends".

    "Meanwhile, in Bangladesh..."