24 Utterly Bizarre Japanese Ice Cream Flavours

    Warning: contains fish. And meat. And lots of other things that shouldn't be in ice cream.

    1. Python.

    2. Jellyfish.

    3. Cow tongue.

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    4. Deep-fried oyster.

    5. Miso Ramen.

    6. Shark fin.

    7. Horse meat.

    8. Whitebait.

    9. Squid ink.

    10. Curry.

    11. Eel.

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    Via bertc.com

    12. Chicken wing.

    13. Egg.

    14. Cactus.

    15. Octopus.

    16. Beer.

    17. Stew.

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    18. Bird (including java sparrow, parakeet and cockatiel).

    19. Crab.

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    Via bertc.com

    20. Fish.

    21. Sweet potato.

    22. Shrimp.

    23. Vampire.

    24. Charcoal.

    BONUS: this list of Japanese Kit Kat flavours.