11 Graphs That Will Make You Question The Value Of Statistics

    Tyler Viglen, currently studying at Harvard Law School, has put together a website that charts spurious correlations.

    1. US spending on science, space and technology vs. people who died by falling down the stairs.

    2. U.S. per capita consumption of beef vs. deaths caused by lightning.

    3. U.S. per capita consumption of high fructose corn syrup vs. pedestrians killed in collision with car, pick-up truck or van.

    4. Marriage rate in New York vs. murders by blunt object.

    5. Marriage rate in Mississippi vs. per capita consumption of whole milk.

    6. Number of people who died by becoming tangled in their bedsheets vs. people who died by falling out of their bed.

    7. U.S. spending on science, space and technology vs. suicides by hanging, strangulation and suffocation.

    8. U.S per capita consumption of cheese vs. people who died by falling down the stairs.

    9. Number of people who tripped over their own two feet and died vs. number of people who drowned by falling into natural water.

    10. Number of films Nicolas Cage appeared in vs. female editors on the Harvard Law Review.

    11. (U.S.) money spent on pets vs. people who died by falling down the stairs.

    All the above stats are from the U.S.

    Tyler wants to introduce international stats. He tells BuzzFeed: "The project was (and is!) a lot of fun to work on, and I hope to put together more humorously informative pieces in the future."

    You can see his site and get a new spurious correlation each day here.