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    30 Insanely Easy Ways To Make Your Road Trip Awesome

    Sometimes you just have to hit the road.

    So you're ready to climb in your car and see all that this glorious country has to offer.

    1. Travel along one of these 11 classic routes.

    2. Or strike out with nothing but a map and a dream.

    3. Make a food passport.

    4. Use a cereal container as a small, portable trash can.

    5. If you're traveling with kids, pack a separate first-aid/diaper/useful stuff kit so it doesn't clutter your own bag.

    6. Make kids a magnetic activity tray.

    7. And bring along a whole bunch of stuff to use with it.

    8. Play license plate bingo.

    9. Pack for two weeks with only 13 items of clothing.

    10. Never lose your child again with these custom tattoos.

    11. Play a movie soundtrack to make it feel like you're in a road trip film.

    12. Don't forget to take some time to stare at the stars.

    13. And to feel the wind on your face.

    14. Convert a drink holder into a multi-level container.

    15. A muffin tin makes an awesome Play-doh station.

    16. Make the ultimate road trip pillow.

    17. Keep small snacks in a tackle box.

    18. And meals (fast or otherwise) in a shower caddy.

    19. Mask that oh-so-familiar McDonald's scent with a homemade air freshener.

    20. For the non-DIYers: buy a cherry pie-scented air freshener.

    21. Or this KITTEN-SHAPED ONE.

    22. Invest in a multi-way charger to avoid apocalypse.

    23. Collect dirt from everywhere you stop to preserve ~memories~.

    24. Or stitch your route along a map.

    25. If you're traveling with a pet, get a spill-proof bowl.

    26. (But remember this essential truth:)

    27. Trick out your car with sticky pads for all your small important stuff.

    28. Or an automatic baby bottle-warmer.

    29. Or a key that's ALSO A CARABINER.

    30. Remember the power of a good old-fashioned singalong.


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