17 People Who Have Pretty Unique Taste

    It's always better to stand out then to blend in.

    1. This person who *jazzed* up their crocs:

    2. This person who got a casket couch for their home:

    3. This person who stitched together socks to make a jumper:

    4. This person who made leather the theme of their kitchen:

    5. This person who gave their mohawk a little more personality:

    6. This person who got this elaborate tree table for their home:

    7. This person who chose horns for urinals when designing this bathroom:

    8. Any person who purchased one these ~cozy~ denim jean couches:

    9. This person who fashioned pencil-cases into a hat:

    10. This person who got these lil toilet paper earrings:

    11. This person who used this bread styled purse:

    12. This person who got these playful acrylic nails:

    13. This person who got this patterned tire cover:

    14. The person who got a brick couch:

    15. This person who wore a fun, toasty winter hat:

    16. This person who wore thigh high boots over pants.

    17. And this person who got a basketball hoop fit for royalty:

    H/T to r/ATBGE