18 People Who Used The Wrong Choice Of Words

    I wish my phone had more giggle bites.

    1. This person who questioned why cats don't have thumbs:

    2. This person who was trying to share their vacation with their followers:

    3. This person who was so confident but so wrong:

    4. This person who tried listing this valuable piece of furniture online:

    5. This person who mixed up this phrase with a reptile:

    6. This person who wasn't well-versed in cars:

    7. This person who shouldn't be a food critic any time soon:

    8. This person who was trying to save a little money:

    9. This person who got a bad feeling from these clouds:

    10. This person who didn't know the name of this ~delicious~ pasta dish:

    11. This person who's far from a culinary expert:

    12. This person who tried to sound it out:

    13. This person who had never seen the word "touché" written out:

    14. This business that was announcing a scheduling change:

    15. This person who was shaken up at the sight of a bug:

    16. This person who wanted a computer with more gigabytes:

    17. This person who was having trouble sleeping:

    18. And this person who misheard their mom:

    H/T r/BoneAppleTea