• Quiz badge

Here Are 9 AITA Submissions From The Holiday Season Where Both People Were Declared The A-Hole — Now You Have To Decide Who's The Bigger A-Hole

"My mother-in-law decided to tell my 13-year-old daughter that she didn't get as many gifts as her brother and that we spent less on her to try to get our daughter to believe that we loved her less."

In case you haven't heard of r/AmItheAsshole, it's a subreddit where people post real-life conflicts they had and ask Reddit users to tell them if they were in the wrong or not.

Screenshot of the subreddit landing page

After some time and plenty of feedback from redditors, a badge is added to the post that declares whether the person who posted the story is the asshole or not. But if it's decided that all parties in the story are assholes, an "Everyone Sucks" is added instead.

Screenshots with badges: Not the A-hole, Asshole, and Everyone Sucks

For this poll, I've grabbed nine posts about holiday-related drama that were ruled "Everyone Sucks," and I'm forcing you to choose a side! I believe that there's always one person who's just a liiiiiiitle bit more of the asshole in the situation, and I want you to tell me who that is.

Close-up of a woman wearing a holiday wreath crown and bow and looking shocked

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.