15 People Who Probably Didn't Even Want To Go To Work In The First Place, And Yet Their Day Just Kept Getting Worse

    Now I know to never microwave ghost pepper popcorn at work. Or ever, actually.

    1. This person who unfolded their "cash" tip at a restaurant:

    "You got pranked!"

    2. This person who broke their leg minutes after clocking into the first day at a new job:

    A broken leg

    3. This person who opened up their free lunch after working a 12-hour shift:

    Lays, an apple, and a bottle of water in a box

    4. This person whose coworker microwaved ghost pepper popcorn in their office for too long which filled the office with black smoke and burned people's eyes:

    "Due to the ghost pepper popcorn incident..."

    5. This person who came into work and found the new tardy policy:

    "if you arrive at 10:02, you will have to stay an extra 20 minutes..."

    6. This person who had to clean up the theater after an awful audience:

    A trashed movie theater

    7. This person who found another guest in their hotel while on a work trip:

    Closeup of a bug

    8. This person whose coworkers threw them a birthday party...and celebrated without them because they forgot the birthday person worked nights:

    An empty birthday celebration

    9. This person whose boss installed a water dispenser in the office that doesn't seem to have been done right:

    A wet floor

    10. This person who realized their grave mistake once they were already at work:

    A person wearing two different shoes

    11. This person who showed up for Whoville day at work as the only person on theme:

    A woman with Who hair

    12. This person who won a fabulous new TV at their job's raffle:

    A broken TV

    13. This person whose pants zipper broke right before a big meeting:

    Safety pins holding someone's pants together

    14. This person whose boss wouldn't let them leave for five minutes to turn off their car headlights:

    A car with its headlights on in a parking lot

    15. And this person whose coworkers left 45 minutes early and left them with the dishes:

    A sink full of dirty dishes