17 Photos Of Extremely, Poorly Designed Kitchens That I'd Never Eat In

    Um, yikes.

    1. This kitchen/bathroom in a wildly overpriced apartment:

    2. This kitchen that will make you lose your appetite🤢:

    3. This increasingly narrow kitchen that's setting off my anxiety:

    4. This absolutely absurd closet-kitchen combo:

    5. This kitchen with a nice view hidden behind the cabinets:

    6. This kitchen that looks like it's glitching:

    7. This kitchen that just...doesn't make sense:

    8. This kitchen with cabinets that have visible hinges, sawed-off edges, or are just missing altogether:

    9. This kitchen with a horribly aligned oven and hotplates:

    10. This kitchen with a huge eyesore: 

    11. This kitchen that's just all-around hideous:

    12. This kitchen with a misaligned microwave, oven, and cabinets:

    13. This kitchen that's fine as long as you never spill anything on the floor, like, ever:

    14. This kitchen remodel that's going to need another remodel:

    15. This kitchen with a poorly placed electrical outlet:

    16. This kitchen with a crooked exhaust hood with wires poking out:

    17. And finally,  kitchen with, like, a million randomly scattered ceiling lights: