These 15 Female Tattoo Artists Have Got Us Daydreaming About Our Next Tat

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    1. This alien abduction, by Abril Hernández

    2. This watchful heart, by Lucía Serrano

    3. This paper boat, by Fran Rojas

    4. This old school camera, by Pía Ramírez

    5. This badass cobra, by Priscila Zamora

    6. This tiny palm tree, by Ana Laura Terrazas

    7. This royal Rottweiler, by Paloma Villaescusa

    8. This adorable kitten, by Mafer Velarde

    9. These matching superhero logos, by Ana Turrubiates

    10. This perfect pairing, by Diana Félix

    11. This tribal mask, by Mayte Isla

    12. This cute lil dog, by Christian Castañeda

    13. This fantastical scene, by Fleurs Maye

    14. This scene from Spirited Away, by Tatiana Makandaxu

    15. This ravishing rose, by Michelle Gómez

    Which is your fave? Let us know in the comments!

    This post was translated from Spanish.