15 Stages Of Having A Huge Zit As Told By "The Fly"

    Very much NSFW.

    1. You look in the mirror one morning and almost don't recognize yourself. Where did that giant zit come from?

    2. Perhaps you try to pop it, but barely anything comes out. You know it's gonna be a while before this baby is ripe.

    3. In the meantime, you feel awkward talking to people because know you must look grotesque.

    4. Your zit gets so big that it starts to ooze on its own.

    5. And god forbid someone you know sees it happening.

    6. You feel like you've lost control of your own body.

    7. You live in perpetual fear of someone touching your face.

    8. But after a couple days you stop caring who sees your massive, pulsating, oozing zit, and you just want it to erupt and be done with it.

    9. You barely feel human anymore. You terrify the people around you.

    10. You ask yourself, "Why is this happening to me? How did I become this grotesque beast?"

    11. You almost wish you could peel your own face off because you feel so hideous.

    12. Finally, your zit gets so big that it can't be contained. You feel it start to break.

    13. There's a humongous, gooey explosion of pus and blood.

    14. You almost feel like you've given birth to an alien larvae.

    15. But then it's finally over, and you're back to being your normal sexy self.