23 Funny Things About Living In America Only Brits Will Get


    1. People are constantly amazed by your accent.

    2. And sometimes people don't understand you even though you're speaking English.

    3. You will say so many things that will confuse people...

    4. ...that sometimes it will feel like you are actually speaking in code.

    5. You probably offend people regularly because people don't understand your sarcasm.

    6. Someone will do a terrible impression of what they think is a British accent.

    7. Even though you've tried to explain that Britain doesn't mean London.

    "I love British accents😍👌" which one, there are a few #britishproblemsnight

    8. You will end up saying you're from London even if you're not from London.

    9. You will NEVER, EVER be able to get a decent cup of tea.

    I asked the waiter at the restaurant for a cup of tea and he brought me a glass of ice. Where did I go wrong

    10. And you can kiss goodbye to finding jumbo packs of teabags.

    11. You will get absolutely sick of hearing, "Have you met the Queen?"

    12. You'll miss REAL chocolate.

    13. And you'll never get used to the fact that nobody walks anywhere.

    14. Also, Americans are super friendly and it's a little bit weird.

    15. You will never get used to making eye contact with someone through the gap in the bathroom door.

    When you're sitting on the toilet and you make eye contact with someone through that little crack in the door

    16. Everyone starts getting excited for Halloween waaaaaay too early.

    17. And the anticipation for Christmas starts before it’s even getting dark early.

    Christmas decorations out on October 1?? Really Target? Really?

    Everybody knows that Bonfire Night is when the countdown to Christmas really starts.

    18. You always panic when you have to work out how much to tip.

    19. American television is just not the same.

    20. Everyone has a romanticised vision of Britain and how we behave.

    21. Which you know is not completely true.

    22. And people make fun of you for how polite British people are.

    23. You basically become the spokesperson for Britain while you're in America.