22 Things That You’ll Only Understand If You’re Really Fucking Dramatic

    Even you don't know why you're actually crying sometimes.

    1. Your facial expressions always give away exactly how you feel.

    2. Which is why your friends don't like to tell you secrets in public because they know you'll give it away.

    3. Or you'll make it really obvious by looking in the person's direction.

    When you tell your pals 'don't all look at once'

    4. If you haven't eaten for a few hours you make sure that everyone knows.

    5. You probably get into arguments a lot by accident because you overreact.

    6. And you aren’t one to shy away from making a scene.

    7. You’ve definitely cried in public because you don't know how to keep your emotions in.

    8. Even though you don't have the most discreet crying face.

    9. Everybody knows when you have arrived, because you love to make an entrance.

    10. And you do the absolute most to prove a point.

    Mum: if your friends jumped off a cliff would you do it too? Me:

    11. You don't really know how to hide it when something is bothering you.

    Friend: you're so over dramatic Me: no I'm not *minor inconvenience happens to me* Me:

    12. So when people ask you how you are, you never reply with “fine”.

    13. And you always make sure someone asks you about it.

    me in any situation: how can I.... make this... about.... myself

    14. You react to the smallest things.

    15. You're not subtle when people piss you off.

    16. You’re very good at pausing for dramatic effect.

    17. You’ve texted "?????????" to someone when they haven’t responded immediately to a text.

    18. And you've probably had to delete things when you have finally calmed down.

    19. Until you remember something else that pissed you off.

    When you've won the argument already but you're petty & you think of another point 😌

    20. "Not trying to be dramatic but..." is definitely a phrase you repeat regularly.

    21. But you absolutely hate it when other people call you dramatic.

    22. Tbh though, even you don't know why you're actually crying sometimes.