I Re-Read 15 Of Robert Munsch's Most Popular Kids Books — Here's A Definitive Ranking

    Hopefully I'm not the only one who remembers Purple, Green and Yellow.

    If you grew up in the 2000s, odds are you spent lots of time reading stories created by the absolute master of kids’ books, Robert Munsch. If you don’t know who that is, man, did you miss out on a fun-filled childhood.

    Individual in a suit flanked by two people in red ceremonial uniforms on a walk of fame

    So, you can imagine my excitement when I found my giant collection — The Munschworks Grand Treasury, which includes a whopping 15 books in it, including all your favourites: Purple, Green and Yellow; Something Good… I could go on.

    Book cover with various illustrated characters and title "The Munschworks Grand Treasury" by Robert Munsch and illustrators

    Well, I spent my morning re-reading all 386 pages of this collection — so now I’m gonna do my absolute best to rank these 15 books, from least to most favourite. Here we go!

    Table of contents page from a book with chapter titles and illustrations along the margin

    15. Mortimer

    Illustration of a character, Mortimer, with a teddy bear, singing in bed from the book "Mortimer" by Robert Munsch

    14. The Fire Station

    Cover of "The Fire Station" book showing an illustration of a firefighter, a Dalmatian dog, and two children

    13. I Have To Go!

    Open book showing illustrated page with title "I Have to Go!" and text "illustrated by Michael Martchenko" with two children characters

    12. Show and Tell

    11. Thomas' Snowsuit

    Illustration from "Thomas' Snowsuit" showing a child in a mismatched outfit and a smaller child looking on

    10. Jonathan Cleaned Up — Then He Heard A Sound

    Book page from "Jonathan Cleaned Up—Then He Heard a Sound" showing an illustration of a startled boy in a messy room

    9. Pigs

    Illustration from a children's book showing a child looking over a fence at a group of pigs

    8. Angela's Airplane

    Book page showing title "Angela's Airplane" by Robert Munsch, illustrated by Michael Martchenko, with artwork of a plane

    7. A Promise is a Promise

    Book page titled "A Promise is a Promise" showing an illustration of a child in winter clothing against a snowy backdrop

    6. David's Father

    Book cover with the title "David's Father" showing a child facing a giant illustrated elephant. Written by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Michael Martchenko

    5. Murmel, Murmel, Murmel

    Illustration from "Murmel, Murmel" showing a girl sitting on the ground next to a baby who is holding a sand pail

    4. Something Good

    Illustration of a chaotic grocery scene from "Something Good" by Robert Munsch, illustrated by Michael Martchenko

    3. Stephanie's Ponytail

    Illustration of a book cover titled "Stephanie's Ponytail" with author names Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko. Shows a girl with a ponytail facing a mirror held by an adult

    2. Purple, Green and Yellow

    Cover of "Purple, Green, and Yellow" by Robert Munsch, illustrated by Hélène Desputeaux, showing a child surrounded by markers

    1. The Paper Bag Princess

    Illustration of a green dragon and a small girl from the book "The Paper Bag Princess" by Robert Munsch

    What's your favourite Robert Munsch book? Let us know in the comments below, and follow BuzzFeed Canada's Instagram and TikTok for your daily dose of Canadian nostalgia.