We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    33 Products We've Put Into Basically A Million Posts (For A Reason)

    These things are truly worth all the hype we're giving them. Trust.

    1. An acne patch made with hydrocolloid, tea tree oil, and calendula oil to gently draw out the gross stuff in the pimple and stop it in its tracks before it ruins your day.

    Reviewer photo of before and after using the pimple patches, showing how it reduced the redness and decreased the size of the pimples
    Reviewer photo of a closeup of the square patch filled with gunk after being used

    Avarelle is a small business that's mission is to make honest and affordable skincare. Their products are both vegan and cruelty-free. And if the review photos don't convince you, there are more than 44,900 5-star ratings to back it up. Simply place the patch on your zit and let it sit for at least eight hours. When you remove it, you'll see the difference it makes. 

    Promising review: "I’ve tried so many brands of pimple spots, and these are hands-down the best on the market. I’m a performer at Walt Disney World, and a clear complexion is required. Last night, I put these on a few acne problems (a small cyst, a Whitehead, and a pimple I shouldn’t have picked and has been a bump for about three weeks now.) I just woke up and am writing this review in disbelief. THEY'RE FLAT! Gone! All of them! I could cry I’m so happy. The packaging is also ideal because it allows you to conveniently and easily peel the stickers off without stretching them out or folding them back on themselves. Do yourself and your complexion a huge favor! Have these on hand for a stubborn zit when you really need help. Make sure you apply them to completely clean and dry skin." —Caitlyn

    Get 40 patches from Amazon for $8.49 or get the larger, square patches (right) for the same price.

    2. An overflow drain cover here to solve the bath problem where you just can't seem to get the water deep enough for you to fully relax and enjoy it after a long day. This cover allows you to add a couple of extra inches of water, something that reviewers say makes ALLLL the difference.

    Promising review: "I received this yesterday; installed it last night. Took my first bath with it today, and boy, does it work. I did not rate whether it’s easy to remove or clean, as I haven’t done those yet, but I don’t see why either would be an issue. If you’re an avid bath-taker like I am (baths are needed sometimes to warm up during our cold Wisconsin winters) and are tired of the water level going down as quickly as you’re trying to fill it, I definitely recommend this. My only complaint is that I should’ve bought the sooner… I’ve spent years and years using strips of old rags, sponge materials, etc. to try to keep the water from seeping out (which results in smelly, moldy material), but this works like a charm." —HeartStar14

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in nine colors).

    3. hands-free (rotating!) phone mount that can be used on more than just the airplane — it can mount on basically any surface from the tray table, arm of a chair, or even a suitcase handle for easy viewing wherever you are.

    reviewer photo of the phone mount attached to their stowed away tray table
    same reviewer's photo of the phone mount attached to their folded down tray table

    Perilogics is a small business creating functional bags, holsters, and travel accessories.

    Promising review: "I bought this nifty gadget about six months ago for a multi-leg, ultra-long-haul trip, and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes, and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards, and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built, and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid, and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" —Earendil

    Get it from Amazon for $12.97 (available in three colors).

    4. A bug bite suction tool because bug bites ~suck~ no matter where and when you get them, and this genius tool can help relieve any itchiness in as little as 30 seconds.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it, the editor holding the suction tool and an after photo of the swelling reduced on the editor's arm.
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few times to relieve itchiness and I am convinced it works! Have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in seven colors and also multi-packs).

    5. An Instant Pot that just might revolutionize the way you cook because it does it all. Say goodbye to eating cereal for dinner and hello to *actual* delicious meals in a matter of minutes.

    the pot on a counter

    It's a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté pan, yogurt maker, and food warmer all rolled into one snazzy appliance. (Check out our full Instant Pot review!)

    Promising review: "I absolutely despise spending a lot of time in the kitchen after work. I am tired, just want to pour a glass of wine, and binge-watch Supernatural. My boyfriend can't cook to save his life, so that isn't much help either. I'd feel better eating something created out of real, edible foods rather than microwaved in a pouch with fake cheese, so I cook even when I stay over at his house. Just when I was pondering the option of breaking up and finding a man who can cook (not really), INSTANT POT HAPPENED! 

    "Dinner is done and ready to eat every time in less than an hour. Sometimes WAY less than an hour. I can't believe I survived 30 years without one! It would have been AMAZING back when I was in college! I am constantly learning new things I can whip up (sometimes trial and error, sometimes recipe books). I can throw frozen chicken breasts in it, seasoning, just hit the poultry setting, adjust the time up a bit, and boom. Super tender amazing chicken. Something about handling raw chicken makes me too disgusted to eat it once it's cooked, so being able to throw it in frozen is such a relief." —Sunahm

    Get it from Amazon for $79.99+ (available in three sizes).

    6. A SockDock because I am convinced that socks plan their escape every time you put them in the wash. I mean, where do they go and how do I always end up with three lone socks after doing my laundry EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.??? This genius invention will save you from ever searching for your missing socks again. 

    SockDock is a small business founded by Kevin Bunn in March 2017 after he got so frustrated losing socks while doing laundry. 

    Promising review: "For the last six years, I have lost literally dozens of socks. No one would fess up to having them stuffed in their drawers or crammed underneath their beds. So, it must be the sock gnomes or if you are familiar with Family Guy. I have been using the SockDock for about a month, I've washed about three or four loads, and guess what, not one sock was lost. It does take some commitment to load soiled socks on the tree, but it's worth the effort. They come out of the wash, and you just hang them up and pull fresh ones off. I highly recommend if you can commit yourself to the process." —S. Peterson

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in four colors).

    7. hydrating eye stick formulated with glacial waters, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, dimethicone, citric acid, and brown algae to help reduce under-eye circles and puffiness. You can even keep this lil' cutie in its natural temperature (aka the fridge) for a dose of cool that will feel extra refreshing.

    The small polar bear shaped eye stick in a reviewer's hands
    Before and after pic of reviewer with dark under eyes that are gone in the second pic

    Promising reviews: "I have always had serious dark circles and bags under my eyes and this has really changed this for me. The results are incredible. The puffiness is gone. The dark circles are hardly noticeable. My sensitive skin has not broken out. I never write reviews, but this was so good that I had to write a review. This actually works." —Ben

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    8. A pack of washing machine tablets because yes, the machine that you use to get your clothes clean also needs to be cleaned itself. This tablet will dissolve during the cycle and work to break up and remove odor-causing residue that may be the reason your favorite hoodie isn't smelling as good as it used to.

    the afresh packaging and tablet
    inside of a reviewers washing machine

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and had to give it a try. It’s very easy just throw it in there and throw on the self-cleaning mode for my washer. My washer was musty beforehand and came out with no smell at all. It freshened up the drum. Since I used it, my clothes have smelled stronger of my detergent. Definitely worth giving it a try." —Adamsp17

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $11.95 (also available in packs of three and five).

    9. A facial applicator brush that'll be an easy way to apply your face masks and skincare. The soft silicone and sturdy handle make it so you can basically paint the product right on your face, leaving an even coat as you go. 

    It's also more hygienic than sticking your fingers into the product directly if it comes in a tub. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely love these. I saw them on TikTok and ordered them right away. I've been using them for months now and they make applying masks so much easier. I get a much more even application than I did with my hands or with other brushes. Extremely easy to use, clean, and store. Love love love!" —caterina

    Get a 2-pack from Amazon for $5.50.

    10. Light-dimming stickers to, once and for all, put an end to the small lights coming from your TV, Wi-Fi router, or whatever else you have in the room that keeps you up at night.

    Reviewer image of blinding blue light coming from electrical device
    Another reviewer image with the light dimming tape over the light

    You get a set of 100 stickers made to fit all sorts of electronics, so you can find the ones that will work perfectly for you.

    Promising review: "Ingenious little idea. I suffer from migraines, so I know how a little LED light can irritate you in an otherwise pitch-black room. This product does a great job of dimming those harsh LED indicators that EVERYTHING seems to have nowadays. They are neat, not unsightly." —Jarom A. Daszko

    Get a pack of 100 from Amazon for $4.49.

    11. AirFly, a wireless transmitter that'll connect your AirPods (or any other wireless headphones) to the headphone jack on the flight so you can enjoy all the free entertainment without being forced to bring two sets of headphones or use the crappy ones they have the AUDACITY to charge for on some flights.

    Twelve South is a small business that has been creating innovative tech accessories since 2009. It also comes with a USB-C charging cable, travel pouch, keychain holder, quick-start guide, and a manual.

    Promising review: "I love this gadget...I fly a lot, and this works on the majority of wide-body planes I’ve taken over the past six months. Just plug into one of the three-prong outlets (or a single outlet in economy), and you can connect any Bluetooth device. Doesn’t always connect on the first try as I have multiple devices that my headphones are searching for, but if you turn off all other devices, it seems to connect right away. Once connected, it works for many hours. A few planes I’ve taken recently (Qatar Airways) have USB charge points so close to the headphone jack that you can even plug it in while it's working and never lose the charge. Highly recommend for travelers." —Joseph Britto

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in three styles and two colors).

    12. A game-changing dishwashing spray to coat your dirty dishes completely. This will make it super simple to wipe away the caked-on grease from your breakfast dishes you just didn't have the time or energy to clean in the morning. 

    The starter pack includes one spray bottle and three refills.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly loves this spray. Here's what she has to say: "I live in an apartment without a dishwasher, and I honestly use that as an excuse to order takeout food instead of cooking. But, as soon as I got my hands on a bottle of this stuff (regular Dawn is my go-to dish soap, BTW), I put it to use on both a saucepan I used to make homemade enchilada sauce *and* the casserole dish I baked those enchiladas, which had a ton of caked-on food. It really does work like I say it does! Like, scary well." 

    Get the starter pack from Amazon for $17.50.

    13. A veggie chopper, slicer, and spiralizer because chopping takes an absurd amount of time. Like, seriously, when I read a recipe and it says it will take 20 minutes, they're not taking my slow chopping skills into account. This gadget will ~cut~ that chopping time in half.

    Reviewer pic of carrots in the middle of the white and black chopper
    the same reviewer now showing how nicely it cut up all the veggies for the recipe

    It comes with a small-dice blade, large-dice blade, spiral blade, and ribbon blade that are interchangeable and gives you the option to chop, slice, and julienne vegetables. Plus, you get a lid with a built-in chop and a storage container to hold the veggies.

    Fullstar is a small business established in 2017 that specializes in kitchen gadgets.

    Promising review: "I’ve had this for a couple of months now, and it makes my life SOOOOO much easier. Anything I’ve thrown at it, it’s sliced with ease. Tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onions, celery, carrots...EASY! I even use to chop the eggs when I make potato salad now since it’s so easy and makes perfect slices.

    "What used to take me three to four mins chopping up an onion and then a face full of ruined makeup, now takes less than one minute and no makeup ruined. The blades are SHARP, definitely be careful when removing them. But the lock on the tray makes it easy and so far I haven’t hurt myself with it. Typically, I’ll use it and then rinse out the top and put it in the dishwasher. It’s been through on the top rack well over 20 times now and still looks brand new. If something ever happens to this one, I’ll be back to get another one. It saves me so much time when cooking dinner!" —Macygrey09

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in three colors).

    14. A set of minimalist hooks for a super easy place to hang your most-used coats, bags, or whatever else usually just ends up on the floor as soon as you get home. Instead, you can reduce the clutter in your entryway and still quickly grab your coat and bag before you head out the door, because you told your friends you were on the way five minutes ago...whoops!

    Promising review: "I am chronically cold and have a bunch of very nice knit cardigans. I usually end up leaving them laying over chair backs or recliners and cluttering things up, so I bought these to have a good place to hang them. The thick wood prevents stretching damage from the weight of the sweaters, and not using a hook prevents damage and holes in the knit. Definitely worth the upgrade." —Lynn M

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two colors).

    15. A bottle of Oh Yuk jetted tub cleaner that's appropriately named because I bet that's exactly what you're going to say after you use it in your tub. And if you enjoy taking baths often, you'll want to make sure your tub is as clean as possible so you can fully relax and unwind.

    Promising review: "Go buy this NOW. I moved into a new house and wanted to do a deep clean before we got settled in. No matter what cleaning products I used, I kept finding weird black dots floating in the water when I turned on the jets, so I never used the tub. I saw Oh Yuk recommended by a ton of people on TikTok and decided to give it a try. OMG I wish I took pics of how bad it was. I followed the directions, and it took **eight cycles** of filling up the tub, adding Oh Yuk, running the jets for 15 mins, draining, scrubbing the whole tub and the gross ring that was left, rinse and repeat. I had no idea what was stuck in the jets, and I feel so much better seeing the water perfectly clean." —Courtney F. 

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    16. floating shelf to transform all your favorite novels and cookbooks into works of art you can enjoy every single day because, let's be honest, are you really ever going to get around to reading them?

    Promising review: "These are so much fun! We ordered the small size, which fits standard hardback books (approximately five to seven hardbacks in my experience). They're a great way to add some extra storage to our very small home, and we've placed them in our hallway so people ask us about them all the time. I'd highly recommend!" —LaBuenaVidaMere

    Get it from Amazon for $19.79+ (available in two sizes, sets of three, and in silver and white).

    17. A shampoo scalp massager you can use in the shower to help stimulate your scalp to remove dandruff *and* soothe your head to promote hair growth.  Plus, it will turn your shower into a spa-like experience every time. 

    BuzzFeed editor holding pink scalp massager with silicone bristles
    editor showing other side where there's a gripper for fingers
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I saw this little thing all over TikTok and everyone swore by it. To be honest, they’re right, and I now swear by it. It’s perfectly soft and sturdy to massage the scalp. Works shampoo into roots, helps with dry skin and such. I absolutely love it, and I use it every time I wash my hair. I most definitely would recommend to anyone. Don’t hesitate." —Z

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    18. A marble self-adhesive film to make every surface look 100x fancier and help ensure that you get your security deposit back when you move out.

    Two pictures of a bathroom counter—one without the film and one with
    A set of two coffee tables with marble adhesive on the top adding to the look

    The film is made from vinyl/PVC film and is water-resistant. To apply, you cut the film to the size you need, remove the backing paper, put it on any dry and flat surface using a D-C-Fix smoother, and it will look as good as new.

    Promising review: "Wow!!! I can't believe how much this brightened up our bathroom!! The paper is very thick and seems very durable!! It looks beautiful! It is mostly easy to install. Just takes some patience. I watched videos on how other people did it first before attempting it myself which I think really helped!! Using a blow-dryer to smooth it on helps prevent bubbles from getting caught underneath the paper. This cheap update made such a difference!!!"—Anna F.

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in nine colors and two sizes).

    19. A toilet night-light with a sensor so it will turn on as soon as you stumble into the bathroom, eyes closed. You won't have to turn on the light, which always wakes you up, causing it to take longer for you to fall back asleep.

    toilet night light in toilet

    It is an LED light and has 16 colors that can either be solid or rotate between all of them. 

    Promising review: "This seemingly silly little gadget has turned out to be great! The light level (brightness) can be dimmed down if desired, and the color can be set to whatever you want, but the bottom line is that you don't need to turn on a bright overhead light (which wakes me up and makes me angry, not a good combination) when you need to go into the bathroom at night. Cleaning it is a breeze, too; what seems like it's going to be a problem...isn't. I can't recommend this toilet night-light highly enough, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Could be on the gift list this December." —Wandergurrlee

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    20. A set of Shoe Slotz designed so you can store your shoes on top of each other instead of side by side, meaning not only will your closet look so neat, but you'll also have room to store more shoes. Always a win in my world.

    A before and after photo of a organized shoe collection and an organized one
    Sally Elshorafa / BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Sally Elshorafa says: "This product SAVED MY SHOES! I have an awkward set of built-in shelves in my closet, and it was the only place I wanted to put my shoes. As you can see from the before pic (above), it was a big mess; my shoes were piled on top of each other and getting really dirty. Traditional shoe caddies or boxes didn't really work because there's not much horizontal space, so I tried the Shoe Slotz. It fixed the problem perfectly! Because the design smartly stacks one shoe on top of the other, you save 50% of the space you'd normally use to store your shoes."

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $35.99 (also available in a 20- or 40-pack). 

    21. Cleaning putty that may actually make cleaning fun because it looks and feels like putty you played with as a child. But this time it will pick up small crumbs, pet hair, and dust lodged into your keyboard, car air vents, or other tight spaces that are usually so difficult to clean.

    reviewer image of the putty being used to clean the air vent of a car
    Model using putty to clean keyboard

    Promising review: "This product does exactly what it says it does. I recently got a new car and was looking for something to easily put I up dust. I saw this product from TikTok. I was surprised at how easily it picks up dust and small debris, especially from the inside of vents and cup holders. It’s also great for the screen in my car! The only complaint is the very artificial smell when you use it. It doesn’t last, just when it’s out of the container!" —DreamyOne

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    22. A door draft stopper reviewers swear is a great way to stop cold air from getting out during the summer months. Not only will you save money on your energy bill, but you'll also stop tiny critters from crawling their way into your home.

    Close up of door stop on a reviewer's door
    The door stop sealing a closed door

    Promising review: "The circulation in our house had a constant breeze coming in from below our back door. This product took about 10 minutes to install (cut to size, removal/replacement of our door stopper), and we have no more cold air blowing in from outside! The magic of the product is its rigidity. It is hard enough to block the strong draft we have, but it's soft enough to bend over our rug. If the stopper were very hard, it would push away the rug or force the rug to roll up or buckle. For us, this product is a perfect solution to our draft issue." —Wuzaaap

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in four colors).

    23. An ice roller for instant relief that will feel oh-so-good on those hot and humid days. You can use it in the morning to help your skin wake up or at the end of a long day when you just need to ~chillax~.

    image of reviewer holding up green ice roller
    gif of reviewer rolling the esarora ice roller on their face

    Promising review: "This is by far the best addition I have ever made to my morning routine. This ice roller wakes me up, makes my skin glow, and has been great helping me fight the Texas heat!" —Elizabeth

    Get it from Amazon for $15.19+ (available in 12 colors).

    24. A pair of anti-chafing bands — they not only look pretty great but also do an amazing job of protecting your thighs when you wear dresses and skirts without tights. 🙌

    Promising review: "These things are amazing. Measure your thighs and buy them. Now. They are life-changing and thigh-saving. Cool enough to wear in the summer, though I would recommend only wearing them for like six hours the first few times. I went HAM and wore them for 12 hours in the middle of August, and I had a small welt on one thigh. No biggie went away after a day or two. If your thighs even kiss each other, BUY THESE." —Kelsy

    Get a pair from Amazon for $20.69 (available in women's sizes S–3X and in 19 styles).

    Psst — check out BuzzFeed's Bandellettes anti-chafing thigh bands review (plus more things to help with chafing)!

    25. A microwave pasta maker that just might revolutionize how you make pasta. Just put the pasta and water in, stick it in the microwave, and you'll have al dente pasta in minutes. You'll never have to wait for the water to boil again.

    The pasta cooker filled with pasta in a microwave
    A model's hand holding the pasta cooker and pouring the water out into the sink with cooked pasta inside

    Promising review: "This is a fantastic product. I’ve been cooking for more than 50 years. Pasta has always been a simple, go-to, dinner for me. Tending to the boiling pot of pasta was just part of the process. I’ve been getting 'tired' of cooking as I’ve aged. This simple little microwave pasta cooker has simplified cooking so much more than I could have imagined. It seems silly, but it’s kinda like a little miracle. No more toting a heavy pot to the stove. No more pouring pasta and boiling water into a colander. It’s simple, lightweight, and foolproof. You’ll never regret buying this." —Winkie

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    26. A CovoBox made to look like a stack of books, but it's actually hollow on the inside, so you can use it to cover your Wi-Fi router that's awkwardly sitting out. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to beautiful (and functional) decor.

    before and after showing how what looks like a bunch of gold and tan books actually hides a wifi box and Alexa device
    Amazon Handmade

    Before adding this to your cart, you have the option to customize it, including selecting from 14 lengths and 15 colors (including custom colors). The CovoBox is made from reclaimed books and sustainable wood.

    Covogoods is a small family-owned business creating home decor in Utah!

    Promising review: "I’m pretty sure I’ve never loved a purchase from Amazon as much as I love this one, and I’ve been a Prime member since Day 1. This product is EXTREMELY well-made and very unique. Plus, it does the job of hiding the ugly routers and cords. And the customer service was great and responsive. I was a little hesitant to spend the money on this but after years of living with the husband’s pile of technology, the money was well spent!" —AmazonEmme

    Get it from Covogoods on Amazon Handmade for $29+ (available in a variety of sizes and colors).

    27. A portable paw cleaner you most definitely need if your pup seems to go out of their way to find mud when you're out on a walk and then won't sit still while you try to towel them off. Just fill this cleaner with water, dunk their paw in, and the silicone bristles will do all the hard work for you and get the mud off.

    reviewer showing a close up shot of a dirty paw
    reviewer showing a close-up shot of a clean paw after using a paw cleaner

    No more muddy pawprints showing up all over your home!

    Promising review: "I love this product — saw it on a TikTok and had to have it. Works great on my three French bulldogs! Cleans them after coming in the house with muddy paws!" —Janice lalla marcus

    Get it from Amazon for $15.38+ (available in three sizes and eight colors and with or without a lid).

    28. An acupressure anti-nausea wristband to help make nausea and motion or morning sickness disappear so you can go on with your day without feeling awful and fighting the urge to throw up.

    A reviewer wearing the gray anti-nausea wristband
    Another angle of the wristband on the reviewer's wrist

    The band applies pressure on the P6 acupressure point which is said to help relieve nausea and vomiting. Read more about acupressure and nausea at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

    Promising review: "I'm pretty skeptical of this kind of thing because I thought it was a placebo...put on the wrist bands and all of the sudden you feel better because you think you should. I was completely wrong. I'm 7 weeks pregnant with two kids 4 and younger and the nausea was making it so hard to get through the day as a mom and I could barely get through coming dinner for my family. These take the edge off so I hardly feel it. I can tell they work because sometimes I'll accidentally push one of the wristbands out of place and I'll know because the nausea comes back. These are amazing and so so worth it!!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.53.

    29. A moisture meter you place in the soil of your plants to see exactly how much water it's getting. If you love having real plants in your home but struggle with remembering the last time you watered each one, this is a great tool to have so your plant babies are always getting the perfect amount of water. 

    A reviewer's plant with the meter inside, showing it is slightly over watered
    My own snake plant with the meter in the center, showing it is slightly under watered
    www.amazon.com, Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "This item is great. I can check how wet my plants are down where the roots are. So no more over-watering! It is very accurate. This works great!!" —Terri Carlson

    Get it from Amazon for $9.97+ (available in three colors).

    30. An under-cabinet lid opener because I can't be the only one who's gotten so frustrated when I can't get a jar open that I've simply abandoned making dinner and eaten popcorn instead.

    hand holding a water bottle using the opener to get the cap off
    gif of a reviewer showing how easy it is to open a jar of olives only using one hand

    Promising review: "Once in a while you stumble on a product that is better than advertised. This is one of them. Having arthritis in my hands, I struggle to open some large jars. This works like a charm and makes it a one-handed operation. Following the advice of another reviewer, we mounted it ‘backward’ so the point of the V is towards the front of the cupboard rather than the back. This allows us to pull the jar towards us, rather than pushing it away. It also means we can’t see the metal teeth from our sofa. Now I want to open every jar in the house. :-)" —Eric K.

    Get it from Amazon for $18.55.

    Read BuzzFeed's full EZ Off jar opener deep dive!

    31. A pumice stone you scrub around the bowl to remove all those stains inside your toilet you thought were stuck there for good. Not anymore!

    A white pumice stone with a handle
    A before and after pic of a toilet bowl with gray rings and without them

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this. This thing literally scoured away hard-water stains that I have been trying to get rid of for years in less than 30 seconds. 10/10 recommend." —Tleary25

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59+ (also available in two- and four-packs).

    32. steaming microwave cleaner accurately named the "Angry Mama" because it's what your mom would look like if she saw how dirty your microwave was. This gadget works to dislodge the food and dirt inside the microwave so you can easily wipe the mess away. Save the scrubbing for the Scrub Daddy

    Promising review: "This product is so amazing, I'm going to get one for all of my children. I am a teacher, and I let my students use my microwave. Usually, it takes me half an hour of scrubbing after 31 students have made popcorn, and heated up lunches. This time I used the product, and I literally spent less than one minute just wiping down the microwave!!! I will now keep one in my classroom, and one at my home. A miracle product that actually does what it says, remarkable!!!" —Desiree Barlow

    Get it from Amazon for $7.55+ (available in two colors and in a pack of two).

    33. glass and ceramic cookware cleanup kit filled with a heavy-duty scrubber, razor blade, and a cleaner specifically designed to remove those burnt-on foods and stains that appeared when you tried out that new recipe you thought would not be so messy...

    Promising review: "I accidentally burned a towel to my glass stovetop. We are selling our house soon, and I’ve been in a panic because I couldn’t remove the burn. I saw this on a TikTok and LIFE CHANGER! So easy to use and everything came right off!!" —Catherine Valentino

    Get it from Amazon for $14.68+ (available in two styles).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.