We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    If You're Looking At Your Messy House And Thinking "No, Thank You," Check Out These 38 Cleaning Products

    You'll have a nice and clean home in no time.

    1. A can of fume-free oven cleaner that's super easy to use to transform the inside of your oven. Just spray it, wait for it to dissolve all the stains, and then wipe it away. You'll be left with a spotless oven ready to take on whatever baking challenge you think of next.

    Promising review: "I rarely write reviews, but this stuff is straight magic!! When we moved into our new home, the oven was disgusting! I absolutely HATE cleaning a freaking oven, but after reading the reviews, I decided to give it a shot. For less than six bucks, what the heck, I’ll give it a try! Sprayed it on last night, got up this morning and wiped it out with nothing but paper towels and BAM! My new favorite cleaning product! I’m going to end up doing it again tonight just to have it all sparkly, because like I said, this thing was disgusting, and there were a couple of spots on the door and in the bottom that I missed. If I had felt like putting more effort into it, I could have scrubbed it clean, but let’s be real here, ain’t nobody got time for that! If you’re questioning whether this stuff works, just buy it and prepare to be blown away!" —Brittany Douglas

    Get it from Amazon for $16.91.

    2. Or a 100% natural oven cleaning kit, if you're looking for a ~cleaner~ options. This kit comes complete with everything you need to fight through the tough grease in your oven without you having to put too much of your own elbow grease into it. Simply apply the all-purpose cleaner, scrub, and use the metallic sponge to blast away the grease. It's (almost) as easy as the pie you made in said oven. 

    A gif of a person cleaning their over using the scrub
    A jar of the oven scrub
    Everneat / Etsy

    Everneat is a small business based in Fairfield, Connecticut specializing in natural cleaning products and tools. The kit includes a jar of oven scrub, an all-purpose cleaner, and a metallic sponge that should be used in conjunction to get the best results. 

    Promising review: "I admit, I was skeptical — but this stuff is like magic! I got the kit, and the concentrate cleaner and oven scrub both worked so well I could hardly believe it. I wish I'd taken before and after pictures!" —Paige NewMyer

    Get it from Everneat on Etsy for $39.99 (available in three scents).

    3. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can use weekly to stop any buildup or odors from coming out of your sink. Nobody wants to deal with that grossness!

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising reviews: "We moved into a townhouse that had a garbage disposal in the kitchen. I never had one growing up and didn't think too much about it until the funky smell started. I researched ways to clean it and came across these. Decided to order a four-pack and try them. THEY ARE LIFE-CHANGING. Just run some water, toss the packet in, and turn on the disposal. The little packet does all the hard work for you. I order a new set as soon as we start to run low." —lucas broshears

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $4.25 (also available in a 24-pack). 

    4. A mold and mildew remover to easily remove the gross buildup in your shower and make it look as good as the day you moved in (or maybe even better). All you have to do is apply it, let it sit, and then rinse. Yep, that's it. 

    Promising review: "You guys. I’m embarrassed to even show you this. The grout around our tub was DISGUSTING. It was never caulked right and it got gross very quickly. I would scrub. The cleaning lady would scrub. It would get worse. Well, I came across this in a BuzzFeed list, and this stuff made me curious. I don’t know why it doesn’t have 10,000 good reviews. Seriously. All I did was squeeze it on and walk away. I let it sit overnight. Check this out. Buy it. Like today." —KarynB

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    5. A Fur-Zoff pet hair remover that works like a charm to remove all the fur from those nooks and crannies of your car seats, carpets, and couches.

    Reviewer image of a chair with lots of hair on it
    The same remover showing all the hair it collected and the chair that looks as good as new

    Promising review: "Holy cow, this is magic. I have a 230 pound Mastiff. I have purchased any and everything claiming to get dog hair off car carpet. I have used at least three different vacuums and attachments. Lately, I have been using a microfiber towel because it had some grip. Then this piece of magic arrived. It gets every single hair no matter how embedded. There were hairs I had a hard time removing with my fingers. The Fur-Zoff pulled them right out. This has reduced my hair removal time in half!" —david r

    Get it from Amazon for $10.

    6. The Pink Stuff, which is an all-purpose paste that works to clean basically everything in your house. This means you can go from scrubbing a pan to cleaning your bathtub — no changing of cleaning products required. 

    a reviewer's pan with a stained bottom then shiny clean
    reviewer showing before and after using the pink stuff to clean a bathtub

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh — this stuff is a life-changer! Used it to get my fiberglass shower totally clean. Nothing else would get it done and this stuff brought my shower back to near-new in one use. We’ve since cleaned a weird chalky film off our garage door, removed wall markings, and cleaned my storm door. We’ll never be without a jar (or three) of this stuff. Worth every penny." —Nancy F.

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97 (also available in packs of two and three).

    7. Reusable microfiber pads specifically designed to fit your Swiffer WetJet, so you can just throw them in the wash (instead of the trash) when you're done wet or dry-mopping the floor. Reviewers confirm that these pads actually work better than the disposable ones and pick up wayyy more dirt and dust from the floor. 

    reviewer holding the dirty mop pad, looking shocked at how much dirt it picked up
    reviewer pic of the green pad attached to a Swifter mop

    Promising review: "I wish that I had discovered these long ago! They work better than disposable pads! Not to mention that they are so much better for the environment and super easy to use. Our laminate and tile floors shine. Easy to throw in the wash and air dry. GREAT product!!" —G. P. Johnson

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $14.95 (also available in packs of four and eight). 

    8. A set of scrubbing attachments you'll want to constantly take for a ~spin~, because they will get everything so darn clean without causing your arm to hurt from too much scrubbing.

    Promising review: "We originally purchased this to scrub our tile floors and grout in the bathrooms. We have a dog who slobbers everywhere and the only way to clean it is to use elbow grease. This thing is magical! We’ve used it on the walls (no paint removed), based boards, door jams and doors, windows, floors, and cabinets. Just dip it into warm soapy water and go to town! Recommending this to all our friends. Cuts cleaning time in half!" —A. Bos

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in six brush stiffness colors).

    9. A microfiber duster to actually trap dust particles instead of having them fly around the room, making it seem even dirtier than before. Plus, when you're done cleaning, you can just remove the cloth and throw it in the washing machine.

    Gif of the duster being used to remove dust from the front of an air conditioner unit
    Gif of BuzzFeed editor, Yi Yang removing the microfiber cloth
    BuzzFeed / Yi Yang

    Promising review: "We live in an old 1790s home with lots of wall trim and moulding. This piece of cleaning equipment makes dusting super easy. All I do is run around the room a couple of times, tackling each level of trim at a time and then shake it out outdoors. When it gets really dusty and dirty, I just toss it in the wash. LOVE IT!" —swissgirl

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    10. steaming microwave cleaner accurately named the "Angry Mama" because it's what your mom would look like if she saw how dirty your microwave was. This gadget works to dislodge the food and dirt inside the microwave so you can easily wipe the mess away. Save the scrubbing for the Scrub Daddy

    Promising review: "This product is so amazing, I'm going to get one for all of my children. I am a teacher, and I let my students use my microwave. Usually it takes me half an hour of scrubbing after 31 students have made popcorn, and heated up lunches. This time I used the product, and I literally spent less than one minute just wiping down the microwave!!! I will now keep one in my classroom, and one at my home. A miracle product that actually does what it says, remarkable!!!" —Desiree Barlow

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in two colors and also packs of two).

    11. A pumice stone you swish around the bowl to remove all those stains inside your toilet you thought were stuck there for good. Not anymore!

    A white pumice stone with a handle
    A before and after pic of a toilet bowl with gray rings and without them

    Promising review: "This pumice toilet bowl scrubber is magical. I have beautiful brand new toilets that are clean, but still manage to accrue an unsightly toilet bowl ring of minerals and deposits. It didn’t matter how hard I would scrub, I could not remove the disgusting ring. It may be that we are on a 'well' and are in the Colorado Rockies, hence an increased amount of mineral build-up? Anyway, five minutes of scrubbing with this pumice, and my toilets look sparkling white again. I will always keep one of these Powerhouse Pumices on hand. Never again will I get a gross build-up of toilet bowl ring in my toilets!" —JAG

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    12. A grout pen that'll transform your bathroom (or kitchen) floor from drab to fab by restoring it to the pristine color of yesteryear with minimal effort on your part.

    A tiled bathroom floor with white grout from the pen and brown grout on parts not yet marked
    The same bathroom floor with completely white grout between the tiles

    Promising review: "We moved into our new home, and the shower had a really yellow grout. Cleaning didn’t do anything, and I saw this grout pen online. What a saver! Otherwise, I would have just hired someone to replace my shower. I used this grout pen, and my husband was so impressed :D. The tip loses its shape fast, but just pull out the TIP AND FLIP IT OVER, and you’ll have a new tip." —jennifer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (available in two tip sizes).

    13. An all-natural surface scrub safe to use on all sealed surfaces (even where food touches) to make film, grime, and grease disappear in a single swipe. 

    the jar of cleaning paste
    Humble Suds / Etsy

    Friends Holli and Jennifer started Humble Suds in 2014 to create trustworthy and clean cleaning products. The cleaners are made with plant and mineral-based ingredients and are always disclosed.

    Promising review: "Holy moly, this stuff is like magic. I am allergic to everything, even air, I swear. But I have no issues at all with this product, and it does the job super well. Buy some. I mean it. Like NOW♥♥♥" —Brassy

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $14.95+ (available in two packaging styles). 

    14. dryer vent cleaning kit you actually attach to your vacuum to suck out all the dust, lint, and other debris that's hiding in your dryer. This 2.5-foot kit will get in there deep and remove so much stuff you'll be shocked how your dryer has even worked up till this point.

    Promising review: “OK, LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS HOSE. My dryer was like one cycle away from catching fire, and my vacuum’s skinny hose nozzle was too short to get into my dryer vent because the nozzle widens after 6 inches. So when I saw this product go on sale I bought it and it came the next day. It came in two or three pieces that fit into each other and go over the vacuum hose. It was SO SATISFYING to watch the big clumps come out of the dryer vent! I mean my dryer was nasty. Look at the pictures. I have a German shepherd and a pit bull, so our laundry is always full of nastiness. Well, this little hose got it all and it looks brand new in there. The big clumps were hard to get through the hose at first until I realized I could pinch the opening of the hose to make it circular, which allowed the clumps to fly through. Even the sound was satisfying. I will be vacuuming under my fridge next. No dying in a fire for me.” —Bee92

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $11.95+ (available in six colors).

    15. A microfiber window blind cleaner designed with three blades that clean the top and bottom of two blinds at once. It'll pick up all the dust you hadn't really realized had been casually sitting in your home.

    A hand using the duster on blinds
    A reviewer photo of the duster covered in dust

    The cleaner also comes with five microfiber duster clothes.

    Promising review: "Where has this blind cleaner been for the past 50 years???? I have struggled to keep my blinds clean for so many years and happily found this item. It WORKS!!! And I love that it comes with extra sleeves, and the sleeves are machine washable. The handle is plastic, but I feel confident it won't break any time soon." —marionvgt

    Get the six-piece set from Amazon for $7.99 (also available in green).

    16. A Shark robot vacuum guaranteed to make you feel like you're living in the future because it will vacuum your whole house for you. Yeah, you heard that right. Cross vacuum off your to-do list because this gadget's got it covered. 

    reviewer pic of the round grey robot vacuum
    the same reviewer showing the inside of the robot vacuum and how much dust and dirt it vacuumed up

    I have a similar Shark robot vacuum and think it is so great. We run it two to three times a week in the apartment, and it really does a great job at keeping the floor clean. It's easy to program a schedule that works best for you so you don't even have to worry about remembering to vacuum, this gadget will do it for ya. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely love my Shark robot vacuum. It saves me so much time and works great. With two dogs, three cats, and kids, my floors were always a mess. I run this twice a day and my floors look great, and I haven't had to get my regular vacuum out since I have had it. I have one high pile rug that it may not get all the dog hair out of, but it works wonders on my hardwood floors. Also, I love how it fits in small places like under the bathroom vanity and side tables where my other vacuum could not. My only regret is not buying two of them (one for each floor) when they were on sale. Do yourself a favor and order this!! 10 stars!" —Chad Haney

    Get it from Amazon for $168.95+ (available in three styles). 

    17. A screen cleaner kit that comes with a spray and microfiber cloth to clean your TV and leave it streak-free in seconds. You'll get back to your Netflix binge in no time.

    a reviewer photo of a TV with smudges across the screen
    a reviewer photo of the same TV now clean

    The spray is free of alcohol, ammonia, and harmful phosphates. You can use it to clean any screen, including HDTVs, PC monitors, tablets, laptops, smartphones, and more!

    Promising review: "A miracle! I've been looking for this product all my life! I have a nice 42-inch smart TV that I hate cleaning. Every product I used left streaks everywhere so I'd use more and rub and rub...Make sure your screen is cool and spray an ample amount on the cloth provided and smear it everywhere. Then flip the cloth and rub it off. I think this is truly one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern history. They give you a huge can of this stuff and a quality cloth." —Paul Wedero

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

    18. A stainless steel cleaner made with natural coconut oil to clean, polish, and protect your sink, fridge, and oven.

    Plus, it comes with a microfiber cleaning cloth!

    Promising review: "I was hesitant because other cleaners weren’t great. They either didn’t work or left a weird residue that dust would stick to. This cleaner doesn’t leave a residue and actually works! Highly recommend!" —Courtney B.

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (also available in packs of two and six). 

    19. A microfiber spin mop reviewers *swear* actually makes mopping fun. 😱 I know — I am in shock, too. But the features alone will make you want to take this gadget for a ~spin~. This mop is machine washable, has an automatic wringer, and is designed in a shape that will reach into small spaces and corners, no problem. Cinderella is shaking!!!

    reviewer using foot-operated peddle to wring microfiber mop
    reviewer image using the mop to clean the floor

    Promising review: "Ashamed to say, but I barely ever mop the floors. I purchased this O-Cedar Mop and Bucket based upon the great reviews. I am here to add a 5 star review of my own. This mop and bucket not only cleaned my floors, but it made the entire process easy (and dare I say fun?). I did the entire first floor of my house both tile and wood. Then wanted more fun, so i scooped up the handy handle and carried it upstairs where I continued on to the bedrooms and bathrooms. I don't want to go on and on, but this mop picked up lots of dirt and grime, then popped easily into the washing machine. It came out great. The swirly thing makes all the difference. It wrings out all of the excess water, so it's easy to mop without using too much muscle, which I do not have. And the mop heads are short, rather than long mop heads, which only make for heavier mops. If you're on the fence, go for it, you'll agree." —LauraP320

    Get it from Amazon for $57.99.

    20. Some Oh Yuck jetted tub cleaner that's appropriately named because I bet that's exactly what you're going to say after you use it in your tub. And then you'll probably question how clean you got last time you took a bath...

    Promising review: "This stuff is magic! We've lived in our home for four years now and had never used our jetted tub. One day last week I decided I needed a nice long soak, filled up the tub only to discover the water was rusty and yellow (SICK). I looked up online what the best way to clean a jetted bathtub was and Oh Yuk came up over and over. Now I know why, this stuff is a miracle worker! We ran it through our tub several times until it was clear. We were so impressed, I purchased another bottle as a housewarming gift for my sister-in-law who is moving into her new house next week. You will not be disappointed, and I'd be shocked if the first words out of your mouth when you use this stuff weren't 'OH YUK'!" —Kimmy D

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    21. A Furemover squeegee that works to remove pet *and* human hair from deep in your carpet that your vacuum can't reach. Plus, it has a squeegee edge so you can also use it to clean your shower, windows, and even car windshield. We love a multipurpose product!

    BuzzFeed editor holding broom with black silicone bristles
    BuzzFeed editor holding up clump of gross hair
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    The broom is made with 100% natural rubber that attracts hair. It can be used on carpets, rugs, hardwood, and linoleum.

    Promising review: "This broom was recommended to me by a few friends, and I completely disregarded the suggestions. I have two German shepherds and sweep our hardwood floors daily. It's just the life of a GSD household. But after seeing this EXACT broom recommended by MANY in a dog running group, I finally decided that 'well maybe it's worth a try. I mean, that's a LOT of recommendations.' 

    IT IS THE BEST THING EVER!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE I WAITED THIS LONG TO BUY ONE!!! It really just collects dog fur like a magnet. I don't know how they made this rubber magic wand, but there must be a factory of magical unicorns sprinkling enchantment curses on each broom. This thing just attracts the fur; EACH LITTLE TINY HAIR!! IT'S MAGIC, I TELL YOU!! MAGIC!!!!" —Knoxmom

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    22. A fizzing toilet tablet you simply drop in your toilet, and the fizzing will work to loosen all the stains and buildup. Then all you have to do is lightly brush the bowl, flush all the grossness away, and get back to doing more fun and exciting things in your life.

    Gif of a toilet tablet fizzing and dissolving
    before photo of a dirty toilet with hard water ring and stains
    the same toilet looking clean
    Melanie Aman / BuzzFeed

    Pardo Naturals is a Black woman-owned small biz founded by Rita Pardo who created natural body, hair, and home products that wouldn't irritate her daughter's severe eczema.

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Melanie Aman says: "For all the folks who don't enjoy cleaning the toilet — myself included — these dissolving tablets make quick work of a grimy bowl. The tablets are a little hard to dislodge from the plastic container (though that does make me feel confident that they're secure during transit and won't break; mine all arrived intact!), but once you get one out, you drop it in the toilet, and let it do its thing. It'll start fizzing — just like a bath bomb — loosening any stains and streaks in 10 minutes so they come away with a light brushing. I never let the toilet get too bad (and usually it takes awhile for me to notice any buildup since there are only two people in the apartment), so I can't vouch for them if you have really set-in hard water stains or haven't cleaned the commode in six months. But if you're looking to ditch the harsh cleansers in your toilet cleaning routine, this is a great addition to your lineup."

    Get six tablets from Pardo Naturals for $10.50 (available in seven scents).

    23. glass and ceramic cookware cleanup kit filled with a heavy-duty scrubber, razor blade, and a cleaner specifically designed to remove those burnt-on foods and stains that came with you trying out that new recipe you thought would not be so messy...

    Promising review: "I never thought our electric top would look good again. My husband loves to do the shake-and-scrape thing with the pots when he cooks. This stuff worked like magic though. I will say we figured out that you need to work differently from what the directions say. First spread on the liquid and let sit for a good 25 minutes, then sponge off, then use the scraper after that. The scraper after was what really got those tough spots." —Stef V

    Get it from Amazon for $11.54+ (available in two styles).

    24. carpet cleaning solution capable of transforming the carpet you just assumed was brown when you moved in but is actually a nice light beige color instead. 😳

    This cleaning solution is made Sunny & Honey — a family-run small business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets! Just add it to a carpet cleaner to watch the magic unfold!

    Promising review: "Carpet Miracle is the absolute best product I have ever used! I have six kids, three dogs, and two cats. You can't even believe the messes that have happened in my house. But this product is basically magic. One of my kids spilled black acrylic paint on my two-weeks-brand-new carpet last year and carpet miracle got it completely out. There's not even a shadow left. I also use a cap full in stinky loads of laundry. It gets the smell out of anything! And there hasn't been a stain yet that this product hasn't defeated." —Lyndsey

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97 (available in two sizes). 

    25. A Bissell multi-purpose portable cleaner pretty much guaranteed to gross you out because of all the dirt and gunk it will pull out from the furniture and upholstery in your home. Reviewers have used this to save their couches, rugs, stairs, car seats, and more. 

    gif of reviewer using the cleaner to make their couch cushion look brand new
    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner

    Promising review: "This vacuum is amazing. I first heard of it on TikTok where people were using it to clean their stairs, mattresses, car seats, etc. and from the videos, it already looked amazing. But considering how dirty my dining chair cushions were, I was a little bit apprehensive and skeptical. I purchased the item and used it on my chairs for the first time and the results were SO AMAZING. Best vacuum I've ever used. I even bought a second one!" —Davina

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59+ (available in two styles). 

    26. weekly, bleach-free shower spray you simply spray in your shower, leave overnight, and rinse the next day. Yes, this cleaner is basically the set it and forget it of shower cleaners.

    Before: a dirty shower floor; after: the clean shower floor

    Promising review: "I really didn't believe the reviews that said you can spray it on shower soap scum, then come back in a day and the soap scum is gone. But that's exactly how this magical liquid works. I had a shower that was badly soap scummed, so I sprayed a good amount of this Wet/Forget stuff and left (this is a house we were moving out of). When I came back a few days later, the tiles looked like a brand new shower. I now spray my shower once a week, and I'm pretty sure I will never see soap scum again. Whoever invented this stuff deserves an award." —Far Left Texas

    Get it from Amazon for $18.61+ (available in three sizes including refill).

    27. A Woolite carpet and upholstery cleaner reviewers with kids and pets swear by to remove stains from couches, carpets, and any other upholstery in the house. Plus, it not only removes stains but also odors, and discourages resoiling in the same area in the future. So no, you don't need to buy a whole new rug because your puppy has loved it a little too much. 

    before image of white upholstered chair with stains
    after image with stains removed

    Promising review: "I don't know what is in this stuff that it makes spots disappear, but my best guess is magic. I used it on dining room chairs abused by toddlers and too many family holidays hosted at my house. They were spotted, they were stained, they were... not gray anymore. One application and suddenly they're beautiful light gray seats again. A bonus is they now smell like a soft baby powder. It was a bit strong at first, but faded to a pleasant level that doesn't scream 'these chairs used to stink' after an hour or two." —P.A.

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $17.99.

    28. Cleaning putty that may actually make cleaning fun because it looks and feels like putty you played with as a child. But this time it will pick up small crumbs, pet hair, and dust lodged into your keyboard, air vents, or other tight spaces that are usually so difficult to clean.

    Model using putty to clean keyboard
    GIF of TikTok reviewer using the cleaning putty to clean dust from car vents

    Promising review: "I was thrilled with how well this cleaned my keyboard, as a cleaner, but as a last resort, today I tried it to unstick some keys on my keyboard that wouldn't unstick using normal "unsticking" tricks. It so very easily "unstuck" the stuck keys, just like magic. Everyone should have this on hand. It picks up crumbs that drop into the keyboard and fall around the keys and works so easily. It's sort of like the putty we played with as kids. You really can't go wrong with this, and it's reusable. Just put it back into the jar and use it again. It couldn't be easier to use. I very highly recommend this gel. It makes cleaning fun." —DreamyOne

    Get it from Amazon for $6.88.

    29. A wine stain-removing spray, because you shouldn't be held responsible for any spills that happen during happy hour or movie night. Red wine is too good not to drink out of fear of ruining your carpet, furniture, or anything else that gets in its way!

    reviewer image showing a large red wine stain on the carpet
    same reviewer showing how you can't see the stain anymore after using the spray

    I can confirm that this works and works well. I've used it a number of times to remove different kinds of stains — red wine, rosé, and even berries. It got rosé out of my white T-shirt instantly and even removed red wine from my white/grey rug. It's super easy to use too. You just spray it on the stain, let it sit for a bit and scrub it away. I like to always have this on hand now because accidents happen.

    Promising review: "We’ve had this thing for two years now and finally spilled red wine on our white shag rug. Holy moly, it did not disappoint! It was like magic in how it removed it all! We used a towel with water and soap first and after we found this bottle, we sprayed it and all the rest completely disappeared from our 2+ inch shag rug! We’re buying more. Highly recommend." —Mountaingrl

    Get it from Amazon for $7.95 (available in various multi packs).

    30. Some Goo Gone here to remove those oh-so annoying stickers you thought were destined to stay on your furniture or glasses forever. Just a touch of this magic sauce, and there won't be a trace left.

    A gooey streak stained on a fridge
    the fridge without gunk anymore

    Promising review: "I would give a 10-star rating if there was one. Works like a charm. All of the annoying sticker marks in my house are gone!!!! The old home security stickers on the windows and doors, the price sticker marks on my beautiful pink hair brush, the old hook sticker mark in our bathroom from the old homeowner, you name it. They've all been there like forever and I seriously tried all means that I could — steam cleaner, electric scrubber, nothing worked until I got this magic Goo Gone. Now they are all gone and it didn't even take any hard work to get rid of all the goos!!!!" —Yingnan

    Get it from Amazon for $7.88.

    31. The TubShroom, with some of the most disgusting but oh-so-satisfying review images. You may wonder how you still have hair on your head after using this product...but at least it won't be backing up your tub anymore.

    BuzzFeed editor, Jess Probus holding the TubShroom filled with hair
    Jess Probus / BuzzFeed

    More than 73,000 five-star ratings don't lie, this thing works and works well. All you have to do is put it in the drain and then clean it every once and a while (and try not to gag when you do it). And if your drain isn't compatible with a TubShroom, you can also try this drain protector to help stop the hair from getting down the drain!

    Promising review: "This is absolutely worth every penny. Kudos to the inventor of this product. I have thick, long, dark hair, and after two months of moving into my own apartment, my shower drain was completely clogged with all my hair. After being disgusted at the amount of hair I had to clean out with a snake (which is NOT a fun task), I decided I needed to purchase something to prevent it from happening again. I read about this product on a BuzzFeed article, and I have no regrets. It is so satisfying to clean out, and it does not lie when it says it catches every single hair. I have had it for close to four months without once instance of my shower drain backing up. This product is absolutely worth it." —JT

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95+ (available in six colors).

    Read one BuzzFeed's full review of the TubShroom here.

    32. Some Bissell stomp 'n go pads reviewers swear are super easy to use because as the name says, all you have to do is "stomp and go" on any area where you pet has had an unfortunate accident. It'll disappear in no time.

    Promising review: "These things are AMAZING. They are magical. If you have a pet who has accidents in the house, these are a MUST-HAVE. After your pet has an accident, all you need to do is open up the packet, place the pad on the accident spot, and then step on the pad to release the magic formula. Leave it there for at least a half an hour or up to 24 hours. Why the discrepancy, you might be asking? Because these pads work on DRIED STAINS. Holla!!!! My puppy has been driving me bonkers with accidents in the house, but I don't sweat it anymore thanks to these pads. They are seriously miracle workers and I will always have a supply of them in my house going forward." —Lisa Koivu

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $24.99.

    33. Reusable microfiber glass-cleaning cloths with the power to leave your light fixtures and mirrors streak-free. And all you need is a little bit of water. Yep, that's right. Add some water to the green cloth, wipe the glass, and then follow it up with blue cloth to remove any lint and debris. Voilà!

    Dirty light fixture with three bulbs
    Dirty light fixture with three bulbs

    Promising review: "I honestly didn’t believe these would work. But they are MAGIC. No glass cleaning products needed. Wet the green cloth with water, wring out so just damp. Clean the glass. Use the dry blue cloth to buff. That’s it. Zero streaks. Zero. My mirrors have never been so streak free. Even with paper towel and Windex, I still always had streaks and lint. That’s it. I can’t believe it, truly amazing." —Your Mom

    Get an eight-pack from Amazon for $16.98.

    34. A pack of washing machine tablets because yes, the machine that you use to get you clothes clean also needs to be cleaned itself. This tablet will dissolve during the cycle and work to break up and remove odor-causing residue that may be the reason your favorite hoodie isn't smelling as good as it used to.

    Product photo showing a model place Affresh washing machine tablets into their washing machine

    Promising review: "My washer was smelling and had grime inside the seal that wouldn’t come off even when I tried to scrub it off, so I used one of these tablets in the wash. It worked like magic. Not only did it clean the washer very well (the water looked so dirty during the cycle), but it also got rid of the smell! I will keep using these as recommended." —Eca

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $11.98 (also available in a three and five-pack). 

    35. A handheld vacuum specifically designed to pick up pet hair because those pesky lil' suckers somehow end up all around your home no matter how often you clean.

    Reviewer holding the small handheld vacuum with it filled with hair
    A different reviewer showing the before and after using the vacuum and how it got a cushion so clean it looks like it's a different color

    Promising review: "We’ve lived in our apartment for four years, and the cats are obsessed with the stairs. I say all that to add that I’ve never vacuumed the stairs. They were extremely hairy and gross, but our current vacuum wouldn’t work. I used this baby, and it was like magic! I couldn’t stop! I only planned to hit the stairs, but before it was over I hit the cat tree, the couch, and searched for hairy dust bunnies around the floor! The suction is so strong that I was able to suck up the dust bunnies floating in the air! I love this thing!" —Courtney

    Get it from Amazon for $30.20.

    36. A Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp you stick on the inside of your bowl, and it will give your toilet a nice little clean with every flush. Your toilet will be free of toilet rings and unwanted smells for up to 12 days, without you ever having to touch it. 

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    A hand stamping the circle of gel in the toilet
    Scrubbing Bubbles / Via www.youtube.com, Scrubbing Bubbles

    Promising review: "I can not give it enough stars, this item is so great. It does everything it claims to do. I have hard water so extremely bad, but this has taken care of it. I am very satisfied with this product and will definitely purchase again." —KyBlueFire

    Get a tube of six stamps from Amazon for $4.67.

    37. A touchless stationary vacuum here to revolutionize the way you sweep because you'll never have to deal with a flimsy dustpan again. All you have to do is sweep the debris toward the vacuum, and it will instantly suck it up for you.

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    An indicator light will turn on to let you know that the canister is full, and then you can remove the canister and dump the debris in the trash.

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this magic floor sucker. I live in the Rocky Mountains with four large dogs and two cats. It makes sweeping not so bad and much more manageable. You just sweep it to the vac and it sucks it up. LOVE IT." —MaryKat

    Get it from Amazon for $129 (available in five colors).

    38. Dishwasher-cleaning tablets made to remove the lime and minerals built up in your dishwasher over time. If you've been feeling like your dishwasher isn't getting your dishes as clean as it once did, this is your sign to throw one of these in with your next cycle and see how much of a difference it makes. 

    The inside of a reviewer's dishwasher looking dirty
    The same reviewer's dishwasher now looking shiny and clean after using the cleaning tablet

    It's recommended to use a tablet once a month. You can use these on stainless-steel and plastic tub dishwashers. 

    Promising review: "Absolute magic. I always approach with a healthy dose of skepticism whenever taking advice from BuzzFeed, tip hero, etc. but this time I took a chance and could not be happier. I recently bought a condo that was not well maintained and struggled cleaning many of the appliances. The dishwasher was caked in deposits from years of operation without proper care. Two of these pods, as suggested for heavily soiled scenarios turned back the clock. It looks brand-new inside. BRAND-NEW. The plastic, the walls, everything. For those who spend hours a week cleaning, you will be amazed by this product. 10/10 would buy again and again and I’m telling everyone I know about this." —Jason

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $8.99.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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