How The Obama Administration Wants You To Learn About The Drone Program

    The Daily Show.

    WASHINGTON — An administration official directed reporters to a clip from The Daily Show late Wednesday for background on President Barack Obama's decision to hand over memos relating to the drone program to the Congressional Intelligence committees.

    "Today, as part of the president's ongoing commitment to consult with Congress on national security matters, the president directed the Department of Justice to provide the Congressional Intelligence committees access to classified Office of Legal Counsel advice related to the subject of the Department of Justice White Paper," the official said.

    White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was pressed Thursday on why The Daily Show interview is one of the few occasions when Obama has publicly addressed the controversial program.

    "When the president is asked a question, he answers it," Carney told reporters. "And I think it is worth going back to the interviews that the president gave during the campaign, and I think you would note that that interview was more substantive than many others."