Kanye West Broke Up Kim Kardashian's Marriage

    He brags about falling in love with her while she was married on the song he just released. Here's all of the known evidence that Kim cheated during her marriage to Kris Humphries with Kanye West.

    The Song:

    Via rapradar.com

    Last night Kanye dropped a new single out of nowhere, almost as if it was a response to the tabloid covers that came out the same day? (See below)

    These are the lyrics in which he talks about Kim:

    And I'll admit fell in love with Kim
    Around the same time she fell in love him
    Well that's cool
    Baby girl do your thing
    Lucky I didn't have Jay drop him from the team.

    Him = Kris Humprhries

    Jay = Jay-Z, Kanye's BFF and owner of the Nets, who Humphries plays for.

    Later in the song he raps,

    Tell PETA my mink is dragging on the floor.

    Oh, you mean PETA, the folks responsible for flour-bombing Kim a few weeks back? Thought so.

    The History:

    The Rumors:

    The Date:

    The Walk Of Shame:

    The Verdict: