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    The 37 Best And Worst Things About Winter

    It's the most wonderful time of the year... except when it's not.

    1. YAY: You can wrap up all snug.

    2. BOO: But it's cold all the time.

    3. BOO: And windy.

    4. BOO: Leaves are no longer playful and crunchy, instead they're slimy pavement sludge.

    5. YAY: Sometimes there are snow days.

    6. BOO: But mostly the sky cries.

    7. BOO: If you're a girl with long hair, you'll spend plenty of time fighting hair blindness.

    8. YAY: Winter clothes/coats/layering are the BEST.

    9. BOO: Walking out and about wrapped up and then walking into a shop = sweaty mess.

    10. BOO: You get ill.

    11. YAY: Hot chocolate becomes your main source of fluid.

    12. BOO: This can happen. A lot.

    13. YAY: Candles. ALL THE TIME.

    14. YAY: The feeling when your clothes are warm out of the dryer.

    15. BOO: But getting out of the shower is the WORST.

    16. BOO: Getting in your car is no longer a breeze, you have to freeze off your fingers scraping ice to make it safe to drive.

    17. YAY: You know how, in summer, guys like to take their tops off because it's just so 'hot'? That doesn't happen in winter.

    18. BOO: When is it dark outside? Oh right...

    19. YAY: Hair-drying your entire body.

    20. YAY: Vegging out and not feeling guilty that you should be outside.

    21. BOO: Not being able to get your laundry dry for AGES.

    22. BOO: It takes ages to leave the house on account of all the clothing you have to put on.

    23. BOO: COLD BED.

    24. YAY: You can get loads of your 'indoor chores' done when it's crappy outside.

    25. YAY: Christmas!

    26. YAY: Countdowns. Both Christmas and New Year.

    27. YAY: Being legitimately allowed to watch Christmas films.

    28. YAY: Party season.

    29. BOO: With great parties come great hangovers.

    30. YAY: Letting your diet go out the window.

    31. BOO: The Christmas cheer you discover on your stomach, ass and thighs.

    32. YAY: Limited edition seasonal food and drink.

    33. YAY: Hot alcohol i.e. mulled wine, mulled cider, mmm mulled.

    34. YAY: Going to town with fairy lights.

    35. YAY: Christmas dinner.

    36. YAY/BOO: New Years Eve. Sometimes great, usually overrated, definitely drunk.

    37. YAY: January sales.