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    19 Reasons Summer Birthdays Are The Best

    Some people have been talking smack about summer birthdays. Allow me to retort.

    1. I'll let others debate the relative merits of "balloons," "cupcakes," and "songs," but the chief virtue of a summer birthday is easy: NO SCHOOL. Do you really want to spend your special day trapped in a classroom or cramming for a test? I didn't think so.

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    2. Science tells us to soak in the rays: Summer birthdays are good for your health!

    3. So many prezzies, so little competition from holiday fatigue.

    4. The weather is awesome...

    5. ...which means you have outdoor options. Like a bike ride. Or mini golf. Or a hike. Or a barbecue. Or a day at the beach. Or white-water rafting. Or a baseball game. Or, DUH. Endless, the possibilities are.

    6. Included amongst those possibilities: SKYDIVING! Go with a group of your mates, at least six, and you might be able to negotiate a group discount, especially if you pay in cash. It's an amazing rush and literally anyone can do it. Like this guy; he's 90!

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    7. Yeah, the water park is crowded, but that's not to say that you can't have your own pool party.

    8. So, maybe it is unbearably hot on your summer birthday. Beat the heat by dipping into an air-conditioned movie theater. Remember: Summer is the season of the blockbuster.

    9. In a world absolutely saturated with mobile devices and smart phones, you get avalanched with TONS of birthday messages from your friends and family on social media. Even better, because the weather is nice, they actually mean it!

    10. The same sentiment, only expressed here in hilarious graph form.

    11. Ice cream tastes better in the summer. Ice cream in the summer on your birthday? That's next level shit right there.

    12. Let's circle back to those presents: Because the weather is nice, you can actually use them. Outside. As they were meant to be. Try doing that in February with a bike, baseball glove, or tank top.

    13. It's true that someone with a summer birthday will trend younger in a peer group, but is this really a disadvantage? Your friends will hit 21 earlier, but they'll also hit 30 and 40 first, too. At best, a draw for them.

    14. People flaking on your party "because it’s summer and they already have vacation plans"? Make your own damn travel plans! This year, it's Weezer at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas with a pair of my besties. "You take your car to work..."

    15. Weezer not your bag but live music is? Find a music festival to celebrate at! If it's summer, there's one going on somewhere.

    16. Astrology is definitely suspect, but alone among the signs, the Leo stands out. Represented by a lion (pretty fierce, yo), we're confident, enthusiastic, charismatic, and creative. In a nutshell, we're awesome.

    17. Famous Leos include Barack Obama, Andy Warhol, Tom Brady, and a rich concentration of Hollywood's biggest celebs, all of which is to say that you're keeping good company, winning company.

    18. FACT: Summer birthdays get pretty exuberant. Expect lots and lots of high fives!

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    19. The takeaway here: You're a winner. NOW GO SEIZE THE DAY!