22 Reasons To Still Be Cheerful About England

    Forget the football. It's not all dreadful.

    1. So England are out of the World Cup.

    2. But DO NOT BE DOWNHEARTED. England is still a great nation. There is so much to be proud of.

    3. Englanders have class.

    4. Englanders always say what they mean.

    5. English people take the unexpected in their stride.

    6. England is a nation not easily impressed by fads.

    7. It's a nation that is polite.

    8. A nation that prides itself on its good manners.

    9. But also on not beating around the bush.

    10. Englanders aren't afraid to show their allegiance to their nation...

    11. ...even if they have the good grace to turn their shirt inside out when they lose.

    12. The English are helpful people.

    13. Honest people.

    14. Eternally optimistic people who like barbecues.

    15. And, despite first impressions, a friendly, welcoming people.

    16. And whether they meet with triumph...

    17. ...or disaster...

    18. ...England treats those two imposters just the same.

    19. And the nation continues to quietly go about its business.

    20. So if life's got you down, you know what to say to it:

    21. And then pick yourself up again...

    22. ...and go to the pub.