28 Frustrating Moments In The Life Of Every British Person

    Spoiler: Some of these involve tea.

    1. When you're trying to get a sandwich open.

    2. When people don't know how to queue.

    They just don't know how to queue #americans #airport one can tell that the flight aint landing in the uk

    3. When you realise you've joined the wrong queue.

    4. When people stand on the wrong side.

    Nothing like standing on the wrong side of the escalator and holding people up on a Friday afternoon...

    5. When people SIT on the wrong side.

    I thought standing on the left was bad. I oppose capital punishment, but I'll make an exception. #londonproblems#tube

    6. When you hear the dreaded words "rail replacement bus service".

    7. When busking intrudes on safe spaces.

    8. When an empty bus turns up just after you've got on a crowded bus.

    9. And then the empty bus overtakes your full one.

    10. #SeatWankers

    Friends; commuting is evolving! This #seatwanker has progressed from just a bag on the seat to a bag AND hung cardi.

    11. When this happens.

    12. When the postman is less than helpful.

    I don't even know if my parcel is here, as the postman hasn't filled the card in fully... @RoyalMail

    13. When people queue-jump at the bar.

    Nuns pushed in front of me at then bar!#holycows

    14. When you go to a pub not realising that there's a pub quiz on that night.

    Doing the every Sunday pub quiz at the Blue Bell

    15. When you realise that the Keep Calm thing will never bloody die.

    16. When it rains at the first mention of the word "barbecue", but you still have to have the barbecue anyway.

    17. When you don't even need to check the forecast to know what the bank holiday weather's going to be like.

    Proper bank holiday weather forecast for tomorrow.

    18. When you bring along an umbrella and then it's a lovely sunny day.

    19. When seagulls seagull.

    20. When the number of tupperware lids doesn't match the number of tupperware containers.

    Anyone missing any tupperware lids? I have more lids than bottoms somehow!

    21. When there is insufficient separation between the beans and the other breakfast items.

    22. When you run out of soldiers before your egg has been fully dipped.

    23. When you realise the milk is past its Best Before date after you've already made the tea.

    24. When you're making tea for other people and they all like it different ways.

    @emilythepemily needs her tea to be just right... #middleclassproblems

    25. When the teabag splits.

    Not ants, a split teabag, is what happens when someone else makes the tea #morningruined

    26. When someone gets tea in the sugar.

    27. When there are no spoons and you have to improvise.

    28. And when the worst thing in the world happens.