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18 Ways To Tell If You Suffer From "Chronic Lateness"

Always being late might actually be a medical condition. Let's all self-diagnose!

1. You might be this guy.

2. This is your favourite quote:

3. This is your nightmare:

4. You’ve memorised the entire plot of Clockwise, to use as an excuse.

5. Your only experience of airports and railway stations is sprinting through them in a blind panic.

6. In fact basically all your attempts to use public transport end up like this:

7. Except the rare occasions where, in an attempt to make sure you’re definitely not late, you overshoot and arrive four hours early.

8. And you’re secretly delighted when there are transport delays, as your lateness is now legitimised.

9. Every job interview you ever had, you arrived sweating and out of breath.

10. You set at least four alarms for everything, knowing you will ignore the first three.

11. If your workplace involves hot-desking, you always end up with this desk:

12. You firmly believe that as long as the time you leave is earlier than the time you’re supposed to arrive, it’s all fine. Regardless of how long the journey takes.

13. You've got used to arriving at parties after everyone else has left.

14. You are deeply suspicious of punctual people.

15. All your non-late friends get so sick of waiting for you to arrive that eventually the only friends you have left are ones who are as late as you.

16. Unfortunately that means this happens.

17. You booked yourself onto a time management course to try and improve yourself. Then missed it because you were running late.

18. ...and you’re still reading this post when you should have left 15 minutes ago.