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    23 More Incredibly Close Calls

    Just breathe. (Previously.)

    1. This guy who is switching all his shoes to velcro

    2. This daredevil who got over his fear of heights only to be replaced by crocodiles

    3. This cop will now write a speeding ticket because he got a really good look at the license plate. Like really, spectacularly good look.

    4. When there are low gas prices, trucks will do anything to get there first

    5. This pedestrian chose the right day to wear his track suit

    6. When you view a race, you don't think you will actually be in one

    7. Dodge backwards car? Check. Keep on hat? Double check.

    8. What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

    9. This businessman went from jogging to work to running for his life

    10. Technically the car didn't enter the crosswalk but the backdoor definitely broke the plane.

    11. It looks like he needed new glasses anyways

    12. "Now let's try this with the 'other guys' brake pads"-Tommy Boy

    13. James Bond's stunt double does not get paid enough. And he did this over and over again to get the right shot

    14. There is nothing that important across the street. I promise.

    15. Yes. You should look both ways when crossing ski jumps too

    16. That trashcan looked really interesting until...

    17. Should the cyclist be in the middle of the crosswalk? No. Does that give this truck the right to dramatically destroy it? Maybe.

    18. This is how I felt trying avoid to Red Wedding spoilers

    19. Frogger Level: Expert

    20. There are probably worse things to get hit with but still...

    21. The absolute worst place to brake-check someone

    22. Excellent steering with the hands but shouldn't he try braking with the feet?

    23. Congrats! You made it through this whole post! Barely...