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    You've Been Drinking The Kool-Aid Wrong Your Entire Life

    Kool-Aids not just for Kids anymore (unless they like Vodka).

    Klassy Kegger made a "kraft" cocktail using two kinds of Kool-Aid and... it was kind of a delicious hot mess.

    View this video on YouTube

    Klassy Kegger / Via

    First, the perfect setting for cocktail creation... a backyard.

    And since drinking alone is "sad"...

    Time to get overly excited and add a gallon of Kool-Aid.

    And some random frozen fruit from the back of your freezer.

    Then, attempt to add some Kool-Aid Liquid...

    But whatever you do, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't drink Kool-Aid Liquid straight.


    Now for a Toast!

    The RESULT. In our expert opinion...

    Until next time, Keep it Klassy.