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    35 Reasons "Man Of Steel" Is Basically "Hercules" With CGI

    Spoiler alert: You've already seen this movie.

    1. Hercules = The New, "Improved" Superman

    2. We begin our story in a supernatural world.

    3. A child has just been born to a high-ranking government official and a lady.

    4. The new family's happiness is forever jeopardized because a bad guy thinks he should rule.

    5. Because of this, the child is sent to a new planet: Earth.

    6. The adoptive parents find the kid in the wilderness with a meaningful device from his original planet.

    7. The adoptive parents are both farmers.

    8. As he grows up, the kid has no idea why he is different.

    9. Their adoptive dads tell them not to let anyone know about their powers.

    10. Since they can't show off their super cool powers, they're unpopular.

    11. When they're old enough, the boy's adoptive parents finally show him an artifact from "his world."

    12. Young Hercules/Superman then go off in search of who they really are.

    13. They then find a "temple" for their respective worlds.

    14. These temples are both conveniently found on mountains.

    15. At the temple, the spirit of their fathers speaks to them and tells them that they must become a hero.

    16. Then their spirit-dads give them a gift to go about becoming a hero...

    17. Look, now they can both fly!


    19. Right about now, the same evil guy from before comes back and tries to kill Herc/Superman because he wants to be the leader of their kind.

    20. Speaking of the evil guys, they both have fire power (eventually).

    21. They also fly similar aircrafts.


    22. They also both have devoted minions...

    23. Also, the evil guy really really hates Superman's/Hercules' biological father.

    24. The evil guy sends "monsters" and his minions to finish off Superman/Herc.

    25. It is then up to Herc/Superman to save the human race, since humans are helpless.

    26. Meanwhile, Megara/Lois Lane also need continued saving from them.

    27. Meg = Lois Lane

    28. During these rescue attempts and fights, Hercules/ Superman are unfazed by the fact that entire cities are destroyed because of them.

    29. When the bad guy hasn't defeated Hercules/ Superman yet, he uses his last and final weapon.


    31. Herc and Superman must then go into the bad guys' "lair" and go against their old world.

    32. The bad guys then freak out when they realize they have lost. So there's a final showdown and they are killed.

    33. Then since they did so much awesome stuff, Herc/ Superman get the girl!

    34. Herc and Superman are reunited with their parents/ adoptive parents.

    35. Then despite becoming "gods," Hercules and Superman both decide to stay human.