ABC Had Hilariously Inaccurate Captions During Trudeau's Speech In French

    But on par with the rest of Canada's French, tbh.

    You may have watched the news conference with Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama at the White House last week, but you probably missed the gibberish captions ran during Trudeau's French parts.

    As Imgur user BurgersEatingBurgers screenshot:

    So we went back to the footage to prove that they were indeed gold.

    And hilariously off-course. We get it, Americans, French is hard. They got all these inflections and accentuations. It's trayz deefeeseal.

    But what if their broken captioning is revealing a cryptic message our Canadian PM is trying to send... Dictated sitcoms?! Sounds threatening, but fun.

    "President Obama I'd love the log trucks."

    This is actually rubbish, but also makes a lot of sense...

    Google? How is Google involved in this...

    Somewhere between Brazil and "the stage luggage" is a lot of secret intel to keep us woke.

    If you're wondering how Canada became one of the most educated countries in the world.

    Yes, Trudeau, you're trayz cool.

    "Come April, we will talk about what is good for books, contradicted measles, and our economies.", thanks for making us laugh and — oh.