21 Reactions Only Canadians Could Relate To

    *says prayer before counting loonies and toonies*

    1. When you're trying to decide what to wear and you want to look fly as fuck but it's winter.

    2. When you ask someone if they were born in Canada and they respond with "No, I was born in Québec City."

    3. When "Toronto" is the only city in Canada foreigners can name.

    4. And when your favourite musician finally adds Canada to their tour but it's only Toronto.

    5. When you've taken 10 years of French and try to read any French.

    6. When you've taken 10 years of French and try to speak any French.

    7. Whenever the temperature gets above -10°C.

    8. When you tell someone you're Canadian, and their immediate response is to crack an uninspired joke about maple syrup and/or hockey as they give themselves a proud mental high-five.

    9. When your American friends call Canadian regions "states" and the leader "president".

    10. When you move to the States and receive your first medical bill in the mail.*

    11. When you're driving through a snowstorm and trying to peer through the tiny spots on your windshield that aren't icy because you were too lazy to wait for the entire thing to defrost.

    12. When you re-watch all of the creepy Canadian PSAs from childhood as an adult.

    13. When you've found the perfect thing to watch with your meal and then you get the "Sorry, but this video is unavailable from your location" message.

    14. When some people were freaking out about a lil' blizzard by giving it such dramatic names and hashtags as "Snowpocolypse2015" "blizzardof2015".

    15. When someone attempts to mock you by using "eh" completely WRONG.

    16. When you're broke and you're at check-out and you don't think you have enough to pay for your item, so you reach into your change pocket...

    17. ...and you have just enough loonies and toonies.

    18. When you see that your neighbour either intentionally or unintentionally already shoveled a part of your driveway/sidewalk.

    19. When Justin Bieber publicly apologizes for his douchey behaviour and thinks that's all it takes.

    20. When you don't like hockey — or anything you're expected to like—all that much.

    21. And if anyone even dares to try to call you unpatriotic.